Canon PowerShot A540 Digital Camera Logo
Forest Creek Posted on Jan 21, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Could a photo printer corrupt my camera?

In the past I've had no problem transferring images from my Canon A540 to my computer. Recently a friend took my 1 GB disk and downloaded my photos on his HP photo printer to his Mac. I could not download the images to my PC after that. I've tried to reinstall the software and various other connecting tips including taking and using another disk but nothing. The blue transfer light doesn't come on the camera. Help ... any ideas anyone? Please keep in mind I'm not a computer geek. Thanks.

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Leonard Goldstein

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  • Expert 86 Answers
  • Posted on Sep 09, 2007
Leonard Goldstein
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Do you have a memeory card reader? They work a lot faster than cable transfer. Get one if you don't, for about $10 or so, or borrow one to test your card. Then see if your memory card (the "disk") displays your pictures onto the computer through the card reader. If it does, your friend might have physically damaged the USB cable connector on the camera or the card socket inside the battery compartment (or, of course, you might have done so yourself somehow). As long as you have the card reader you'll still be able to transfer images. If the pictures don't show up on the card reader, it's more likely the card itself was damaged, though you say you tried another card. If you've already downloaded the pictures, try reformatting the card (which will erase everything) and then give it another shot.

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