IBM NWAYS Router 2210 Model 12E Logo
Chen Zrubavel Posted on Jan 21, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Reset a password for IBM NWAYS Router 2210 Model 12E

Is this possible? cause i tried all the defualts passwords that can be if there is a way to restart this router then i'll be very gratefull if anybody can give me a hint...

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  • Posted on Jan 22, 2007
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Does this mean anything to you Remote Login Names and Passwords During a remote login, the device prompts you for a login name and password. You can display the login name when logged in to the device from a remote console by using a device status command. Logging in Remotely or Locally Logging in to a local console is the same as logging in to a remote console except that you must connect to the device by starting Telnet on your host system. To log in remotely, begin at step 1. To log in locally, begin at step 3. To log in from a remote console: 1. Connect to the device by starting Telnet on your host system. Your host system is the system to which remote terminals are connected. 2. Supply the device?s name or Internet Protocol (IP) address. To use device names, your network must have a name server. Issue either the device name or the IP address as shown in the following example: % telnet brandenburg or % telnet At this point, it makes no difference whether you have logged in remotely or locally. 3. If you are prompted, enter your login name and password. login: Password: It is possible that there is a login and no password. The password controls access to the device. If a password has not been set, press the Enter key at the Password: prompt. Logins are not set automatically. For security, you can set up user names and passwords using the add user command in the CONFIG process. For additional information, see the add user configuration command, on 56. Remember to reload or restart to activate any changes. Note: If you do not enter a login name and valid password within 1 minute of the initial prompt, or if you enter an incorrect password three times in succession, the device drops the Telnet connection. 4. Press the Enter key to display the asterisk (*) prompt. You may have to press the Enter key more than once or press Ctrl-P to obtain the * prompt. Once at this level, you can begin to enter commands from the keyboard. Press the Backspace key to delete the last character typed in on the command line. Press the Delete key or Ctrl-U to delete the whole command line entry so that you can reenter a command. See ?Command Completion? on page 20 and ?Command History? on page 23 for more information. You can also use local Telnet commands on your Telnet client to close the Telnet connection.

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It is listed in the web amdin for the router look for a key or paraphrase in wireless or security.

Holding in the reset in the back till it cycles will clear all custom settings on router and load defualts like new.

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Please leave the user name box blank and type in admin for the password. I hope this helps and thank you.

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You can reset your router to its default setting by holding down the Reset button on the back of the router for 30sec. After you do that, everything will be back to default settings, including your username and password. Default Username is admin and Defualt Password is password. If you never put a username and password on your router then these are your current username and password so give em a shot without restting it if you want. Hope this helps!

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What you need to do is locate the reset button on the back, stick a paper clip in there hold it down for 15 secounds to all the lights flash or come on, let go then once its booted back up the router will be at its defualt password.

Should be admin/admin
or admin then password

This defualt password can be found at along with the same instructions I am telling you.

thanks please do be respectful and leave a rating and some feedback.

Btw, I’m available to help over the phone in case u need at


Reset pswd

You can reset the unit to factory default... this will set the password to factory settings.. then you can create new password

IBM 2210 router

If you have the manual, it should have reset instructions in there.
or would you prefer I look them up for you?

Calibrate IBM NWAYS Router 2210 Model 12E

Take a look at these downloads and choose your relevant one.

Reseting an IBM NWAYS Router 2210 Model 12E

The password will probably be 'admin' or 'administrator' or the router make.

Hyper terminal with IBM NWAYS Router 2210 Model 12E.

Hi Viki, I use HyperTerminal to configure my HP switches and a few other devices but typically they use a *special* manufacturer cable. I suspect that may be a problem you?re having; do you get any communications from the router via HyperTerminal? If you?re sure the cable is correct you can try the following configurations in HyperTerminal: -Start HyperTerminal *HT* with Com1 *if that?s what you?re using*connected to you console or data port on your router using the appropriate cable. - Create a new *location* in HT and name it something appropriate. - When the *connect to* box appears make sure you change the *connect using:* field to Com1 or whatever port you?re using* .-In the Com1 properties make the following changes: bps=9600; data bits = 8; parity = none, stop bits = 1 and flow control = Xon/Xoff. -Next click on file, properties then the settings tab. Set emulation to VT100 If this doesn?t work I would look seriously at your cable. Let us know if you have any more questions and as always please don?t forget to rate the posting.

IBM NWAYS Router 2210 Model 12E configuretion

Have a look at this page and download instructions.
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