JVC KT-SR2000 SIRIUS Radio Receiver with Car Kit Logo
rob vanburen Posted on Jan 19, 2007

Antenna not detected / Searching for signal

I currently flop my JVC KT-SR2000 between two vehicles. I recently began seeing this on the display when i run it in only one of the two vehicklies. I am thinking that it is the mount or adapter. I have a relatively new antenna and the unit is getting power and overriding the set FM station. I am kind of in a bind, sirius does not offer this unit any longer, and I have been unable to find replacement parts for the car kit. Aside from antenna that is, but its universal.

  • 4 more comments 
  • Anonymous Dec 06, 2007

    I have same problem, problem has gotten worse over time. I switch radio multiple times per day from boom box to car cradle to home cradle. Problem is the worst in the boom box. I believe problem is poor connection on the round antenna connector, it's as if one of the parts is not quite long enough. I've tried opening the radio to see if the plate with the contacts could be adjusted, but I couldn't even get the radio open, and I was afraid of breaking it.

  • Anonymous Feb 16, 2008

    I have the same problem. I found out it is the connection to the antenna that needs to be repaired and it looks like it can't be fixed.

  • Anonymous Jul 01, 2008

    Even though I am using a Stiletto 100, I have the same problem, but only on the home base, not in the car. I replaced the home base, and it worked for a while, but now here it is again! I am convinced that it's a weak connection in the multi-connector on the home base. I'm going to try spraying it with an electronic cleaning spray.

  • Anonymous Jul 01, 2008

    Even though I am using a Stiletto 100, I have the same problem, but
    only on the home base, not in the car. I replaced the home base, and it
    worked for a while, but now here it is again! I am convinced that it's
    a weak connection in the multi-connector on the home base. I'm going to
    try spraying it with an electronic cleaning spray.

  • rodgerskenne Jan 12, 2009

    my sr 2000 started displaying the "acquiring signal" message about a week ago. At first it just happened upon turning on the unit, and would go away within minutes, Eventually this time got longer & longer, and finally the display just stayed on - radio signal was never, and still is not acquired.

  • Anonymous Feb 28, 2009

    I am on my FOURTH radio receiver in the past five years...and this one is also becoming useless as it is frequently displaying "Antenna Not Detected". Once this one goes (should be soon), I will be canceling my subscription (although I really love it).


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I just had the same thing happen the radio is 4 yrs old and has never been removed from the car. I called sirus and they sent me a test signal that seemed to work on and off for a few days. I finally when to crappy tire and got a new one. Considering the programming is 200 dollars the 39.99 antenna was worth it


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  • Posted on Jul 18, 2008
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I had the same problem with antennas lasting only about a year mounted on the roof. You can get a better price on e-bay but won't solve the problem. I ended up using my boom box antenna on the dash. It works quite well but signal is intermittent on tree covered roadways. Other than that, it works great.



I have the same problem. It's happened twice now. Each antenna has lasted about 1 year. The connection is good, the antennas just stop working. It's almost like there's some built in life span. Who knows. It's ridiculous either way.

Antenna Not Detected. Now I have to buy a new one AGAIN $39.00 and re-wire thole whole thing in my car. PITA

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