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I have Crosley top load washer. It washes fine, but when it gets to the spin cycle it spins but i think the tub isnt hooked on tight anymore and the faster it spins the more noise the machine makes and moves. I want to know how do i tighten up the tub to make it stop moving around and making the noise?
took clothes out--- still very wet. The tub can be moved around & there is a gap between top of outside rim & tubtook clothes out--- still very wet. The tub can be moved around & there is a gap between top of outside rim & tub
AnonymousMar 18, 2014
Makes clicking noiseMakes clicking noise
AnonymousMar 26, 2014
Terrible noise when spinningTerrible noise when spinning
AnonymousMar 31, 2014
spin cycle makes noisespin cycle makes noise
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took clothes out--- still very wet. The tub can be moved around & there is a gap between top of outside rim & tub
Makes clicking noise
Terrible noise when spinning
spin cycle makes noise