I've had trouble getting adequate sound from the subwoofer w/this speaker set. i've got the subwoofer set to PLUS on my receiver, and the relative level for the sub on 10 (as high as it will go), and the gain on the subwoofer itself almost ALL the way up, and it still sounds weak. i'm not trying to shatter my windows, just get a nice full warm sound, but i'm barely getting anything out of it. i've tried the sub on multiple receivers, so i know that's not the problem. any thoughts?
According to the KLH manual for the 9906 "6 pack" with the BassBite sub... it says "if your sub is connected via the speaker - level terminals, your reciever must be set for "NO" subwoofer - even though you are using one. VErify proper polarity on your speaker connection wires. (red or gold to +, black or silver to -). Depending on how you have your woofer connected to the reciever, if connected to a reciever without a subwoofer out then set your reciever for LARGE speakers and turn the subwoofer setting "OFF". Failure to do so will result in little to no bass. If you do have a subwoofer out from your reciever adjust your speaker size setting to small or large speakers as appropriate. Set the recievers sub output to ON. Connecting small speakers to a reciever set for LArge speakers can result in damage to small speakers.
Hope this helps.
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