I tried to install a new graphics card in my comp but when i turned it on it beeped at me with 7 sec. intervals. Then i took out the new graphics card and it stilled beeped. Whats wrong? How can i fix it? thanks
Resetting the bios should stop the beeps, 'JBAT1' terminal from pins 1-2 to 2-3 for a few seconds then back to pins 1-2. Get the pc running again on your onboard graphics or whatever it was, but enter the bios (f2 or DEL on start up)as you will have to reset time; also to dissable onboard graphics and enable your AGP slot as primary graphics controller as it may be dissabled in the advanced bios menu. Make sure you havent got an intruder device lead from your side panel as this could also be the beep which has to be cleared also in the bios
These are called beep codes and there should be a pattern of long and/or short beeps which will repeat. Once you identify the pattern we can help figure this out for you.
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