Apex Digital GB4308 43" Rear Projection EDTV-Ready Television Logo
peter gnizak Posted on Jan 05, 2007

Apex Digital GB4308 remote

Does anyone know how to program the remote(Apex 8201801990L) for this tv? i have an apex dvd player and want to program the remote to it

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  • Posted on May 01, 2007
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Programming the Remote Control Remote-control switchover Press VCR/DVD, SAT/CABLE or AUX to select the device you want to control. To program the remote control Press and hold VCR.DVD, SAT/CABLE or AUX for over 2 seconds until the LED on the remote control turns off. Release the button the LED will light again (the remote control enters the PROGRAMMING mode). Enter three-digit code number for your equipment. If the correct code number is entered, the LED blinks three times. If you enter a code not listed below, or you press any other buttons than SEARCH and 100+, the LED turns off. To search codes Press ad hold VCR/DVD,SAT/CABLE or AUX for over 2 seconds unil the LED turns off. Release the button (the LED wil light again) and the remote control enters the PROGRAMMING mode. Press SEARCH. Press CH+/- to search codes downwards or upwards. Each time you press CH+/-, the code number decreases or increases by 1 while the remote control sends the code number for POWER button on your device. If the desired code number is found,press 100+ to program the code for your device until the LED blinks three times.Then the remote control exits from the PROGRAMMING mode and returns to norml operation. Or press any other button to exit from the PROGRAMMING mode after the LED blinks rapidly eight times, and the operation is not active. To check the current code number Press and hold VCR/DVD, SAT/CABLE or AUX for over 2 seconds until the LED turns off. Release the button (the LED will light again) and the remote control enters the PROGRAMMING mode. Press 100+ . You may read the code numder according to the LED display status as follows. * If there is no operation within 20 seconds during the steps mentioned above, the remote control will automatically exit from the appropriate operation. Code Number First - digit 0 1 0 1 Second - digit 0 0 4 5 Third - digit 0 6 3 0 First - digit Blinks rapidly once Blinks once Blinks rapidly once Bliks once Secod - digit Blinks rapidly once Blinks rapidly once Blinks four times Bliks five times Third - digit Blinks rapidly once Blinks six times Blinks three times Bliks rapidly once

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