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Lord Blutorse Posted on Jan 03, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Computer Freezes During Startup (Urgent!)

I have a Toshiba A105-S1013, and it runs on Windows XP. When I turn on the power with both the plug, or a charged battery, the screen with "Toshiba" pops up. The little blue loading bar keeps freezing about 4/5 of the way, and the laptop freezes. It will not start no matter what (I am using my brother's computer to type this). The only thing I can think of is yesterday, a few hours before this started to happen, I slammed on the keyboard a couple of times. It happened after I shut the computer, and when I opened it, this started. I am a total dunce with computers, so please help! A soulution that doesn't require money would be ideal. Thanks a ton!

  • Anonymous Mar 24, 2014

    I have a HP Pavillion zv5320ca that likes to suddenly turn off now (not shut just goes black and turns off like you pull out the AC connector). It starts to do this about 3 weeks ago. Before this, there was no problem for a few years. My HP Laptop is 4.5 years old today. It does this with the battery in and the battery out, hooked up to outlet power. About 3 weeks ago, I was typing on the keyboard and suddenly the battery icon appeared even when AC was plug-in. I have to unplug and re-plug the AC connector at the back of laptop, and then the battery icon would disappear. (Now my old battery doesn't keep a charge anymore). I know it isn't a heat problem, because I can turn the computer on first thing in the morning and it will sometimes shut off within 4 or 5 seconds. And my heat fans are clean (I clean them every 3 months). The CPU was not feeling hot at the bottom, and my Notebook Hardware Control software showed CPU temperature as +42C when this happened. So the nature of it is, I can turn the computer on, and sometimes it shuts off a few seconds after that, sometimes in the middle of the XP loading screen, and sometimes while Windows is loaded. I can use it for 8 hours and have no problems, or sometimes it will shut off 3 or 4 times within 20 minutes...or I can keep trying to turn it on, and it immediately shuts off. I need to re-plug the AC connector before the problem goes away, only to appear again later. What is going on? Anyone has any advice to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.


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  • Posted on Jul 24, 2009
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I have the same problem. It is intermittent so I believe a bad connecton somewhere. The first time I cleared this problem by removing and replacing the hard drive. It then worked. That does not always clear the problem so now I have to drop the computer lightly to jar it and try again. Eventually it starts and is ok if i dont jar it again. Of course if i move it, I probably have to start again. The hard drive connector is clean and the HD checks ok. Suspect where the HD connector meets with the motherboard but of course the intermittent could be anywhere. Very frustrating


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  • Posted on Jan 03, 2007
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Try firstly, on start up keep pressing F8 until a menu comes up. Look for the line that reads 'Start windows with last known good configuration', move cursor to it with the up or down keys as your mouse won't work; and press enter. Hopefully your pwill restart and run as normal. If not you may need your Windows cd.


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