RCA F27440 27" TV Logo

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Bruce Bachmann Posted on Jan 01, 2007
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Bottom of picture is cut off

Looking for a way to adjust the screen size. the bottom part of the picture is being cut off. you know when you're watching espn and the scores scroll at the bottom of the screen. Well, I see about half of it, and it drives me crazy. there is no adjustment on the back of the unit or in the on screen set-up. other than that, the picture is great. about 3 years old

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Bill Heronemus

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  • Posted on Jan 01, 2007
Bill Heronemus
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Usually when the vertical starts shrinking slowly, it is due to capicators getting out of tolerance in the vertical output section of the chassis. If it can be adjusted out through a service menu, you'll probably need a tech with the right equipment to perform it.

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Consult the manual---the answer lies in the size controls being grayed out so you cannot adjust or try to adjust the vertical size!

Picture too large for screen

It appears that on this television you can only adjust the picture size when you are using the twin picture feature. You must adjust the picture size with your other remote control. Since I do not know whether you are connected to a cable box or a satellite tv box or a blu ray player or a DVD player I cannot be very specific. On your other remote control you should had an hd zoom button, aspect, format, ratio, #, or etc. Those buttons change the picture size. The other factor determining picture size is the resolution the equipment connected to your tv is set to. This tv supports 1080i but you should also try setting the connected equipment to 720p or 480p or 480i. Also the connected equipment may be connected to your tv in two places so make sure you are on the correct selection using the tv video button on the Sony remote.

Vertical needs adjusted. both bottom and top of screen are cut off

On the remote look for a button labeled aspect,zoom or picture size. Press that button repeatedly until the picture is the desired size.

VIZIO GV4VL cuts off the bottom of screen

on the tv's remote you have a button which says one of a couple things. 1) pic size 2) ratio 3) zoom 4) aspect. using that button push it a couple of times until you get to either 16x9 or full depending on the brand of tv you have

Picture is cut off on the bottom of my Hitachi 57F500

Verical position is hard to adjust and is in service menu. A service manual will get you there, but you might get lucky with the vertical size adjustment. If you open the front of the TV, the vertical size is adjusted with a knob on the deflection board. Remove the speaker grille and take off the access panel. You will see two knobs, one horizontal and one vertical. Be careful, those red wires have 30,000 volts on then, don't touch anything but those knobs. If its just an adjustment, the v-size knob will fix. Set it so ESPN ticker is just above the bottom of the screen. *Service mode - the manual tells little but entering is done by "press and hold the input button, press the power button, release both after you hear HV come up" .. the v-pos parameter is in there, but this manual doesn't say where or how to adjust, procede at your own risk. If you get into trouble, pull the power so you don't save any settings. I believe you just navigate through the menus to find the parameter and use arrows to adjust. Enter may save. Sorry the service manual I have tells nothing much.

Picture Size

Also, try adjusting the settings on your cable box, not on the TV. The usually solves the problem and will then allow you to adjust the size of the picture.

Picture cut off

No adjustment needed on these LCD projection. Your problem is in your setup menu. Your default is now is set ZOOM. That is why the bottom of the picture is cutting off. Go to Menu, setup and screen size or something close to that.

Best regards

Picture cuts off at bottom of screen

Do your basic trouble shooting first, disconnecting satelite or cable box, etc. to eliminate bad attached components or cables. How old is the bulb for this model. They are only good for three years of so. $300.00 part. If the main Wega engine is out, look out, expensive part. Have a qualified tech look at your unit. It will pay for itself as the picture looked even better than new after repairs.


Your problem is not a vertical alighnment or size adjustment. No, Im sorry to say its the old vertical output IC and /or the small capacitors around the ic and in the vertical circuit. If you dont have the right tools, like a soldering iron a multimeter know how to read a schematic diagram, then you should seek out a repair person to assist you in this repair.
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