Panasonic NN-T694SF Microwave Oven Logo
Zab Med Posted on Dec 30, 2006
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Powers up but does not START cooking = Displays colon after you press START

HELP! I am having an issue with my Panasonic Inverter microwave. When you select a cook time then the START button it goes back to the colon. The colon is not blinking. It doesn't allow us to set the time either. When you plug it in it reads: "Welcome to Panasonic, REFER TO OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE." It allows us to key in the time and all the other buttons appear to work, but as soon as you press the START key, it reverts back to the colon. Also, I tried press the Function Key (You can select 0 to 9 to select a function.) and the only one it allows me to select is the 0 - which is used for DEMO. It allowed me to turn off the DEMO. So the DEMO is set to OFF. Any suggestions? It's a pretty new microwave. It would be a shame to just toss it. :( Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for you help! Kind Regards, zabamed ps. The only thing I have tried to do is disconnect it. Does anyone know how to reset the microwave? Maybe it needs to be RESET to it's original configuration?

  • Zab Med Jan 02, 2007

    Thanks for your suggestion! I believe it was the circuit board and possibly the number pad. This weekend we opened up the puppy and cleaned-up the number pad and the circuit board with some q-tips dipped in alcohol. It works fine now! (I admit...not all the alcohol made it on to the circuit board ;)

    Thanks for responding!

    For future reference:
    The buttons did appear to function properly, since it would allow me to select any time, but when I pressed START it didn't start cooking.

  • Anonymous Mar 30, 2014

    living in a motel for next 3 months and need this thing to work or replace.


1 Answer

William Miller

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  • Panasonic Master 9,179 Answers
  • Posted on Jan 02, 2007
William Miller
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I would check your onwer's manual for any other specific reset instructions. Generally it reset by unplugging it from the wall for a few minutes. Does the microwave require you to set the time and date before it will work? Are all the keys on the keypad working or do they seem to? If not, you may have a bad, damp, or corroded keypad or control circuit board. I can follow up more on these if it seems like your problem. Please met me know what you find.

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Related Questions:


How to set the clock Model NN-SA651S

To set the clock, press Timer/Clock twice when the microwave is not in use. The colon between the hour and minutes should start to blink. Type the current time (12-hour clock) with the appropriate number key pads. To save the time and exit the clock set mode, press Timer/Clock once more. Note: if you take too long to begin typing the time, the microwave may exit the time set mode. In that case, the colon will stop blinking. None of the other features of the microwave will work when the colon is blinking.

This is shown on page 11 of the manual which is available on the Panasonic NN-SA651S support page: . The direct link to the manual is currently .

I hope this helps.

Cindy Wells

How to reset time

To set the clock, press
on your keypad)
The colon symbol (:) will flash.
Enter time of day.
The time appears
in the window; the colon continues
to flash.
again - colon stops flashing; time of
day is set !

Shuts off after approx 5 - 7 sec. some smoke

If it stops after 7 seconds, it has a problem with the inverter.

If the digital programmer circuit / controller does not get a feedback signal from the inverter for a period of 3 seconds, the controller will stop the cook cycle.

It may be a loose connection in the wiring between the inverter, magnetron, and/or control board, or maybe one of those components has failed.

Due to the lethal voltages used and produced in inverters, I do not recommend that an inexperienced person work on these.

You can find an authorized Panasonic servicer here.

In Canada, you can find an authorized Panasonic servicer here.
If you prefer to replace the inverter yourself, you can find links to helpful exploded view diagrams and part ordering help here.

I recommend that you bookmark that link to your favorites.We're happy to help you with free advice and we'd appreciate your thoughtful rating of our answer.

Panasonic Sensor 1250W Microwave cycles off after only 5 seconds.

See if this describes what's happening:
  • Put in time, push start and unit runs for 2 seconds, relay clicks, unit goes off. Cook time on display goes off and clock time comes back. Bad upper interlock switch and charred connector.
If so, see , and

Otherwise, if the digital programmer circuit / controller does not get a feedback signal from the inverter for a period of 3 seconds, the controller will stop the cook cycle.

That may be a loose connection in the wiring between the inverter, magnetron, and/or control board, or maybe one of those components has failed.

Due to the lethal voltages used and produced in inverters, I do not recommend that an inexperienced person work on these.

You can find many Panasonic owner's manuals for free download here.

You can find an authorized Panasonic servicer here.

In Canada, you can find an authorized Panasonic servicer here.

If you're not in the US, see

We're happy to help you with free advice and we'd appreciate your thoughtful rating of our answer.

Doesn't matter on period of time, it stops after 3 second. After pressing "start", It makes noise three times and stops.

See if this describes what's happening:
  • Put in time, push start and unit runs for 2 seconds, relay clicks, unit goes off. Cook time on display goes off and clock time comes back. Bad upper interlock switch and charred connector
If so, see , and

Otherwise, if the digital programmer circuit / controller does not get a feedback signal from the inverter for a period of 3 seconds, the controller will stop the cook cycle.

It may be a loose connection in the wiring between the inverter, magnetron, and/or control board, or maybe one of those components has failed.

Due to the lethal voltages used and produced in inverters, I do not recommend that an inexperienced person work on these.

You can find an authorized Panasonic servicer here.

In Canada, you can find an authorized Panasonic servicer here.

If yours is not a Panasonic, please reply back with your brand and model number so we can help you.

We're happy to help you with free advice and we'd appreciate your thoughtful rating of our answer.

Panasonic Model NN T964SF inverter microwave runs for less than 5 seconds and shuts off. Power control function does not work either. Pressing power control a number overrides cook time with power...

If the digital programmer circuit / controller does not get a feedback signal from the inverter for a period of 3 seconds, the controller will stop the cook cycle.

In most cases, this is a problem with the inverter or a bad magnetron.

Due to the lethal voltages used and produced, I do not recommend that an inexperienced person work on these.

I would recommend that you contact your nearest Panasonic-authorized servicer.

We're happy to help you with free advice and we'd appreciate your thoughtful rating of our answer.

I have Panasonic NN-S262. After i press the buton start it is working for 3-4 sec and stoped.

If the digital programmer circuit / controller does not get a feedback signal from the inverter for a period of 3 seconds, the controller will stop the cook cycle.

In most cases, this is a problem with the inverter.

Due to the lethal voltages used and produced, I do not recommend that an inexperienced person work on these.

I would recommend that you contact your nearest Panasonic-authorized servicer.

We're happy to help and we appreciate your thoughtful rating of our answer.

Microwave oven (nn-sd997s) stuck in DEMO mode

Pressing "timer/clock" button 4 times turns on and off demo mode.
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