I seem to have pressed the play and eject buttons on my system and the display showed Lock then Demo Play. There is no disc in the tray. The manual says consult a service centre when the display shows this. I got my system in May from the US and I do not have a Sony Service centre in my country. Is there a way to rectify this problem?
Refer to the manual and do a cold reset.
Right the problem for me was that it was in demo mode. play + stop key press resolved my problem after same key press to remove player from demo mode and switched off then play stop to remove from locked mode.
I have waited 2yrs for this solution!! Thanks Fixya!
While the demo is playing you must press "Play"and "Stop" buttons, then display shows DEMO OFF and you can now take the DEMO CD out.
In some models you need to turn off the power and turn it on while pressing the EJECT Butoom.
Usually answered in minutes!
There is no disc in the tray! After pressing play and stop the display shows DEMO OFF and then NO DISC. When press any other button shows LOCKED