Mitsubishi VS-60707 60" Rear Projection Television Logo
Anonymous Posted on Jan 12, 2007

1998 mitsubishi big screen model VS-50603

I have a 1998 mitsubishi big screen tv the blue picture was leaking fluid onto the circuit board when i purchased it about 3 weeks ago i patched the bottom of the tube where the fluid was escaping onto the board it played about 3 weeks then would not power up again until i replaced a resistor i think thats what it,s called it was brown and sorda square i also cleaned all the residue off of the board where it had leaked it but before i got it to power back up i unhooked the power board and all the wires and i think one or more of those wires went to that blue tube but i,ve looked at it again and all the wires are hooked back up like i unhooked them but getting to the problem my tv is working fine now all but the blue picture tube is lit up at the bottom but the blue color isn,t lit up that hits the screen at the top is there a way you have to turn it on or is there a problem on the circuit board or is the tube bad i need a response as soon as possible befor i spend a fortune on it if someone even wants to call me with a response my number is 270-566-4327 james

  • Anonymous Feb 05, 2009

    I have the same problem and want to know where to get RTV sealer?


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  • Posted on Jan 23, 2008
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This model is famous for fluid leaks. each projector tube has a reservoir on the front of it with a fluid in it. this keeps the face of the tube cool.
this depends on how bad the damage is in the tv. in most cases we can reseal the tube and clean up the fluid 400-600.
Once you
take the tube out you will see where it leaked. The problem is that the
frame on the CRT that the heavy screws with springs are mounted on (that
hold the lens coupled to the CRT) is weak and they can bend. We have seen
several that have leaked after the customer moved the set. You can only
tighten them down so much because the frame bends. It is just stamped metal
and not welded at the corners to support the bend.

We remove the CRT, clean it all up, add a very small amount of RTV sealer to
the gasket, reassemble, let the RTV cure thoroughly and refill with coolant.
The extra sealer should prevent future leaks. Haven't had a recall yet.
Mits says replace the CRT...too costly.

You msut check the yokes carefully as well. If any coolant gets into them
you can end up with shorts there and a mess.

Clean the boards carefully and repair any corrosion damage. The coolant is
ethylene glycol and glycerine which is water soluable.

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