MA Audio HK4000D Car Audio Amplifier Logo

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brian stanziani Posted on Dec 28, 2006

Amp ??? I Have a brand new MA audio 4400 watt amp. It turn on LED's come on digital read out work cooling fan come on but no power going to the sub. I tested the RCA's there good. The power turn-on is good to. Tried it with different subs and still nothing.

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  • Posted on Jul 29, 2007
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Ever find a solution? i am having the exact same problem... didnt happen until i plugged in the bass remote they send with it...

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Related Questions:


Did MA Audio make a 10 dual 8 ohm subwoofer?

mr david,i recommend inspecting the subwoofer's voice coils visually for any signs of damage, such as tears or burns, and r double-checking your wiring connections

Amp burned out but fuses still good?

this is caused by inproper wiring from the speakers/subs to the amplifier.. an amp will still put out power to subs and speakers when it's wired improperly but it won't last for very long doing it... 6 months is longer than usual....

Hay i just brought da sub on its own and dont no wat a good size amp and power needed to make dat bumpn bumpn feel...and how to connect it all up plezzzz.... fnx DJ KINGXL out

buy a bridged amp with half the power of your sub (ie 1200 watt sub use a 600 watt amp) this will stop distortion at high volume get in touch when you have the amp and i'll go through how to wire it .

Ma audio hk 4000d

you have definately blown a output channel, or power supply. Send it in for warranty.

My ma audio hk 4000 amp is powered on no sound coming thru subs amps brand new

If there is no protection light on, be sure the input is on. Some head units need to be turned on manually (factory set to OFF).
Verify the subwoofers are wired properly.
A list of your components would help to solve your problem.
If it is new, it should still be under warranty - worst case scenario output transistor(s) blown, or power supply bad.

Confused about system

If what you're telling me is correct you're trying to drive a stereo sub -woofer with a mono amplifier. If so, that could be a bad situation for the amp, if the voice coils are not wired together correctly. Before we go too far, I have some questions I need answered.
1. Is the MA unit an M1889i?
2. Do you have the 4 terminals of sub-woofer tied together. For example the 2 positive terminals are tied together & the 2 negative terminals are tied together?
3.How do you supply 12VDC to the amp?

While I'm waiting to hear back from you, I'll try to draw a schematic (wiring diagram) of the way it should be wired for your particular setup that I'll send to you.

Ma120xe sound horrible

Make sure that you have the subs wired in a 4-ohm series and not a 8-ohm load

Stop putting out sound to subs

Ok This is a two channel High Current amp. It is stable to one ohm. If the Subs are single voice coil at two ohms the they have to be wired in Parallel that means (Red +) (Black -) are connected to the + and - of another sub and then the (RED +) (Black -) from both go to one output channel of the amp. You pair the other two in the same fashion on the other output channel. If you are getting no output (sound) at all first check if the amplifier is going into protect. (Usually indicated by a red led on the unit. If it is connect only one Sub to each output and see if the protect LED goes out. If it does then you should have sound at the subs. If not check that you have the sub output enabled on the HU some head units do not come with the sub output enabled on the HU. If every thig is enabled, with only one sub connected to each output and the protect LED is not on then your amp is probably blown and needs repair. Nice thing is that MA has a great warrenty policy. Check and make sure the protect LED is off. If it is on you probably have the SUBS wired wrong

Driving in first gear

Your Amp is in protect. Disconnect your subs and turn it back on. IF the led goes back to green the you have a blown Sub and it will need to be replaced. If the amp stays in protect even with the subs removed the the amp is toast.
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