SanDisk Sansa e250 MP3 Player Logo
Anonymous Posted on Dec 26, 2006

PC will not find ScanDisk e250

Purchase an e250 for my daughter for a Christmas present whilst in the States (resident in the UK). I am trying to connect the device to my PC, running XP Professional (|Processor Intel D945 Dual Core, SP2 installed). When device is connected to the USB ports, the PC does not register the e250 as new hardware. Have also tried this device on my laptop, also running under XP Pro. It should be noted that the USB port does charge the e250.

  • Anonymous Dec 31, 2006

    Chrism - At the "Enter USB2.0 MSD Mode", unplug the cable and plug it back in, the device should restart.

    For information I decided to ring the support line and have come the conclusion that my device is u/s, so they have advised me to return the unit back to one of their distributors / agents. Not in the UK as expected, but the Czech Republic!!!! (plus I needed to pay the shipping?.maybe not such a cheap device after all). Interesting to see if a get a replacement unit quickly.

    Compare this to Apple customer service, I have an iPod 30G Video, which had a problem, registered problem with Apple on-line, they advise me that the unit needed to be return to Holland. Apple arranged for a ?special packaging? to be sent from Holland via UPS, had the unit pick-up (UPS) and I have been advised that a replacement unit has been shipped from Holland yesterday. The turn-around time?..8 days?..maybe this is why people buy Apple!!!! I wish I had.


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  • Posted on Dec 27, 2006
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I have this problem also so am hoping you get a solution

  • Anonymous Dec 31, 2006

    I have followed your instructions RichieSong and get a message on the MP3 player saying "Enter USB2.0 MSD Mode. The computer screen shows only "Version.txt" in notepad. Where do I go from here? Still can't download music or anything.




Chrism - At the "Enter USB2.0 MSD Mode", unplug the cable and plug it back in, the device should restart. For information I decided to ring the support line and have come the conclusion that my device is u/s, so they have advised me to return the unit back to one of their distributors / agents. Not in the UK as expected, but the Czech Republic!!!! (plus I needed to pay the shipping?.maybe not such a cheap device after all). Interesting to see if a get a replacement unit quickly. Compare this to Apple customer service, I have an iPod 30G Video, which had a problem, registered problem with Apple on-line, they advise me that the unit needed to be return to Holland. Apple arranged for a ?special packaging? to be sent from Holland via UPS, had the unit pick-up (UPS) and I have been advised that a replacement unit has been shipped from Holland yesterday. The turn-around time?..8 days?..maybe this is why people buy Apple!!!! I wish I had.



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  • Contributor 1 Answer
  • Posted on Dec 28, 2006
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Joined: Dec 26, 2006

As I was unsure if the supplied cable was causing the problem I found the following that checked the connection; - Turn off device; - Set the "LOCK" button on top of the device; - Hold "REC" whilst powering up; - This should enter the "Recovery Mode", with a message "CONNECT USB CABLE"; - Connect the USB cable - You should get the message "USB CABLE CONNECTED", if not then you at least may have one of the problems. This all worked fine for me, so either there is some setting in XP that I do not fully understand or my suspicions are founded that the unit is u/s. I will be ring ScanDisk support. Let you know!

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