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I have a desktop computer compaq 1.0ghz that started giving error messages at startup (cmos error, time date not correctly configred) I would configure this but it would return from time to time until today when it cannot bootup at all or even show power indicators.
i opened the casing and there are led(green) still on when the power is plugged in. onether one comes on when the power button is pressed on but nothing happens not even the power supply fan rotates.
Please assist
I want to replace my power supply as the fan creates grinding noises from time to time. What kind of unit should I order that will fit my case and work with what I have?I want to replace my power supply as the fan creates grinding noises from time to time. What kind of unit should I order that will fit my case and work with what I have?
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It's more than likely the CMOS battery a disk shaped 3V watch type battery found on the motherboard.
Change this then reset time and other settings and your away.
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I want to replace my power supply as the fan creates grinding noises from time to time. What kind of unit should I order that will fit my case and work with what I have?