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Ron Alta Posted on Dec 20, 2006
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Fixed Disk Parameter Error - System Halted

I have a problem here. Can anyone please help. My computer was working fine until the other day i turned it on and while booting it beeps 3 times and then says "Fixed Disk Parameter Error - System halted". Once this happens you can not do anything by pressing any key, you are just stuck and have to unplug the computer or take out the batterie to turn it off. Also, to let you know whiile it tries starting up before the 3 beeps happen, the hard drive is making some clacking noises. Made me pretty sure the hard drive was out. Then i figured out how to get on, when i hit power to start up i gotta hit F12 and it will let me on and use my computer like normal. Also while im using it no sounds coming from the hard drive. Anyone have any idea what's wrong here?

  • Ron Alta Dec 31, 2006

    do you think I should buy a new hard drive and see what happens. Someone told me that if it's working fine once i get in then my hard drive is ok. They said if my hard drive was no good i wouldn't be able to use it with no problems once i get in. Said the whole problem is with the BIOS and that's the clanking sound when the computer does not boot up the BIOS is trying to start.


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  • Posted on Dec 20, 2006
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Sounds like bad disk, although 3 beeps sometimes relates to a memory problem on some motherboard bios's. Click Start>run then type'chkdsk' and then Enter, this will run a damage segment diagnosis and repair, if capable.

  • Anonymous Jan 01, 2007

    No, the bios checks the Basic Input Output Settings, this is not something you can hear.

    After, date, time and timings are checked the processor then takes over to work the motherboard which then powers your HDD which then checks for the Boot.ini files to look for Windows.

    The noise is one of two peices of hardware, either HDD or CDROM.

    You will at times get it running, if you do go to my computer, right click>manage, then click on Disk management.

    Look at the 'C' drive, this will tell you it's state of health.

    The noise you can hear will be the platlettes of the drive trying to be read to find the boot files.


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