Panasonic PT-47WX49 47" Rear Projection Television Logo

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peter wong Posted on Dec 11, 2006
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Where the wire goes

Hi, This is for a Panasonic PT-47WX49E Chassis DP820. I unpluged the two wires from the flyback transformer and later can not figure out where the thinner wire should go. I know the thicker one goes to the voltage distributor.I look and look in the power supply board but all connectors are occupied. Anyone knows something about this? Pete

  • peter wong Dec 12, 2006

    Thanks for the reply I'll check it out tonight.Just an observation,you can tell me I am wrong,the smaller gauge wire from the flyback transformer seem to be too short to go to the front.Or that there is a wire come from the front that connect to the flyback? I'll see what I can find.Please see the attached picture for the two wires.Thanks.

  • peter wong Jan 31, 2007

    I've eventually used a flash light shine into the cabinet and sure enough I saw the focus block in the front end. My hand is long enough to reach over there.Many thanks to Leadtech.

    Thanks,Scott,for the offer.I've ordered the service manual few days ago.It'll come in next week. There are some voltages I like to look into. Thanks again.



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  • Posted on Dec 11, 2006
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Try looking on the focus block in the front of the set. Take off the speaker grill, take the screws off the "wood door" and you will see the focus block on the front with six controls on it. Of course make sure the set is unplugged before sticking your hand inside the set. Leadtech

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PT-47WX49E Service Manuals


I'll let you know if there is a service manual available.

No power

Ypu will first have to check the horizontal output transistor and make sure it is not shorted. The voltage for the horizontal output transistor comes from pin14 of the SMPS transformer. Then it goes through the coil,L815, then to the diode for B+,D825. Then the B+ goes through coil L816. Be sure after D825 you check the capacitor, C830, as this is a very common fault with this set. Then the B+ flows through L817, then through two One ohm resistors, R857 and R858 to pin8 on the flyback transformer. If you get B+ on pin 8 of the Fly, and none on the horizontal output transistor, the fly is open and is bad. I have a schematic that is very close to this set but not an exact one, but most of these sets are about the same, and if you know anything about Panasonic TV sets, you should be able to repair them with a schematic from another set. BTW, this Horizontal and fly circuit is on the D board. If you wish to have a copy of the service manual for a set close to yours, I will send you a copy. If you follow these instructions, you should be able to find the fault with this TV set. If the SMPS is not working, you will not get any voltage also on the HOT. Good Luck

Panasonic PT-47wx49e

The repair tech is wanting to take alot of your money, you can get the entire deflection baord which has the flyback on it remanufactured for about half of what he wanys to change the flyback. Heres alink leave them a email with your model number they will send you a quote to have your deflection D board rebuilt which carrys a full warranty. heres the link.

Panasonic PT-47wx49E

does the led indicator blink? If so how many times does it blink?

Panasonic PT-53WXD63G Flyback, H.O.T., and Triper

The small wires are disconnected at the focus and screen control block, and the large HV cable is disconnected from the HV may have to reuse the large red wire if the new flyback doesnt have the HV lead attached. The Hot is the horizontal output transistor its mounted to a aluminum heat sink near the flyback.

Panasonic PT-47wx49E

What are you need ing help with I am very experienced with this chassis

No voltage to convergence chips

There are usually 2 micro fuses that resemble 1/4 watt resisters around the power supply, and are usually all green,tan or yellow, and in most cases will have a + or - voltage marked right near these fuses 20 to 25 volts dc typical.

Chassis removal

all the projection tv are made with removal chassis in mind becouse thats the only parts you carry to the shop remove the upper ruber tap and gentely but firme pull the carefull tvs have verry dangerous sites, specialy in that area..good luck
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