ASUS P5RD2-VM Motherboard Logo
Anonymous Posted on Dec 08, 2006

One day it works, and the next day it doesn't

My Asus P5RD2-VM mobo has acted strange since I've had it (about 6 months). The Computer will work fine for a while but if you power it down and then back up again, either nothing will come up on screen and no beep, or it will start to come up and then give me a corrupt system file error. But if I wait until the following day or sometimes even a few hours and try again, it will come up normal. It also freezes up if you plug in a network cable or if you fiddle with the USB ports on the back. I've aleeviated these problems by using a NIC card and a HUB. But I replaced the board once already with these same problems but the second one did the same thing. Asus told me to upgrade the chipset drivers and BIOS which I did and also said it might be a grounding problem but if that was the case why does it work OK 50% of the time?

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  • Posted on Dec 29, 2006
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Well thank you for the suggestions. As it turns out, my power supply was showing voltages around 2.6V-2.7V rather than the 3.3V it was supposed to be putting out. So being that it was like 7 years old, it didn't surprize me. So I got a new one and installed it. After some problems on my part of reversing the drive boot order in my BIOS by accident (the machine would simply reboot just before Windows XP stated to load). The machine seems to be working very well and reboots fine everytime. Thanks again.


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  • Posted on Dec 09, 2006
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I?ve had lots of different things cause weird problems like or similar to this so I?ll run down the list: -Bad caps, usually this becomes progressively worse. Look for capacitors with rounded tops; they should be perfectly flat. -Bad memory modules, replace with a known good if you have them or pull modules out one by one if you don?t. The idea is that the odds of all your modules are bad is small, pulling them out and then insert them one by one in reverse order can isolate the one bad module. The only problem is if you only have one module or if your motherboard needs a matched pair to run. -Defective processor, not much you can do to test this unless you have another motherboard that can accommodate the processor or if you have another processor. -Cold solder joints on components or cracked circuit board runs on the motherboard. -Power supply with inconsistent voltages. -Grounding, hard to mess up since the screws you use to mount the motherboard connect are what ground it to the chassis. The holes the screws pass through have exposed copper on the top edges, the heads of the steel screws make contact with the exposed copper and ground it direct to the chassis. Incidentally just in case it needs to be said you shouldn?t use insulating washers on the mounting screws unless the MB manufacturer says to. -Assembly issues: with boards as tight as they are not its possible that you might have bent a capacitor while installing the processor fan mount or perhaps have a MB mounting screw touching a capacitor or other device lead. If none of this works and if your board is still under warranty I would get back on the phone and demand a warranty replacement. Chipset drivers load after Windows start, not during the initial boot sequence. You?ve already checked for grounding issues so you can rule that out. Even if it is a BIOS problem you?ve already flashed the BIOS which is way more than I would have ordinarily done for a new board with problems out of the box. Let us know what the outcome is?.

  • Anonymous Dec 09, 2006

    Forgot one thing, with regards to testing for cold solder joints or cracked runs. You can test by GENTLY flexing the board ever so slightly while booting. Note that the key word is gently, you could easily damage the board.

  • Anonymous Dec 09, 2006

    I apologize for the wonderful grammar and sentence construction. I guess I should double check my work when its way past my bed time :)




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You know i had on of these from a compaq that they made for them and sometimes i could get it to reset and sometimes not strangest motherboard i ever saw i kept crashing the backup battery to get it to post i think the bios is wrong on it and needs to be reflashed at that point i would buy mother board with that footprint asus site has all the exec files for that model number

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