When I close the phone, the small outside display screen will dim, however it will not turn off as it used to. In addition, the indside screen goes blank, however it emits a faint glow. I am afraid that this is going to limit my batter charge. How can I fix it so that both the inside screen and the small outside screen turn off completly when the phone is closed? Thank you.
Ok so when I close my phone I still see the time and my background picture but no light immanates (hope I spelled that right)from the screen if thats what your saying that's normal. Now as far as the inside screen if you dropped it the connection that lets the phone know it's closed may be jarred lose and offset (not sayin u dropped it)although you say it dims. When you close your phone the inside screen should turn white and then turn off just barely have your phone open to check, if it does this then the connection is working. And you need another opinion.
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Outside screen stays lit all the time.