Sony FD Trinitron WEGA KV-36HS420 36" TV Logo
Connie Pavlicek Posted on Dec 03, 2006

Closed Captions Hi, I'm having a problem with closed captioning on my TV... have had this problem ever since we got the tv 2 years ago. For the longest time I thought it was my cable provider's fault and I've called them several times about it but to no avail. They would "re-send the signal" and a couple of times it seemed to fix it but then it keeps coming back. I thought it was the cable company because it seemed to be limited to certain channels. It still seems to be limited to some channels that have this problem where others do not. But now I think it's the tv because when I press the menu button on the remote control, it seems to fix itself after repeated pressing. What's happening is the captioning will be fine for awhile and then the words become scrambled, borken up, or non-existent. Sometimes it is so bad that even scrolling captions are completely scrambled. When I press that menu button it eventually it fixes itself and goes back to normal but for the few minutes that I'm scrambling with the menu button or waiting for it to fix itself, I'm missing show content (and context) because I can't hear some of what's going on. It's hard to read lips when an actor's back is turned or the camera isn't close enough to their face or isn't on the speaker at all. A major pain in the butt mind you.. is this something a TV repairman would have to fix? There doesn't seem to be any options on the Menu for using the remote to fix it. Cable feeds shouldn't be a problem.. if I have to call a repairman I will, but if there's anything I can do myself I'm happy to give it a try.

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Plz contect me we repair lcd plasma and projection tvs

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