SanDisk Sansa e250 MP3 Player Logo
laurie turnbull Posted on Dec 05, 2006

Problem with Sandisk e270

To put music on my sandisk e270 i have just been dragging and dropping the files on to the player. This seems to work the majority of the time however sometimes i will end up with the player listing tracks multiple times (using windows shows only one copy of the track) and i also have a track listed on the player that isnt there/wont play and is unable to be seen in windows. I certain it isnt a problem with compatibility all the tracks are wma so should all be fine.

  • Anonymous Dec 14, 2007

    havin troble adding music to my sandisk sansa shakerand how do u drag n drop


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  • Posted on Sep 19, 2007
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I have a question: how do you change the summary of an mp3 file. The message box doesn't allow me to just change it right on the spot.


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  • Posted on Dec 13, 2006
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All files need to have filenames and titles ("title" field in the summary under file properties on your PC). Otherwise the player will list it as "unknown" and it will NOT play. You have to drag it out of the player, rename, and then drag it back, if you're in MTP mode (which you SHOULD be!). Multiple copies of the same track sounds like you have some tracks listed under different artist names--you gotta keep a clean library!! Go back and check all the summary attributes for your mp3 files... Of course, you're using WMA files so who the heck knows. I would be sticking with mp3 format, if you want my opinion.......


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Loading Music and Pics and video: link for update software ( Make sure USB mode is MSC sansa converter lets you put video on it...Drag and drop is the easiest way simple. Left click hold Drag Release Drop..

How do you put music on the SanDisk Sansa Clip MP3 Player

1. First, you have songs saving in your computer.
2. You have 2 ways to put music on the Sandisk Sansa Clip:
2.1. Plug device into computer, Drag and Drop music from your computer into "Music" folder of the Sandisk Sansa Clip.
2.2. Use Windows Media Player in your computer to transfer songs to your device; Plug device to computer, open Windows Media Player, click on Sync tab, drag and drop music into "Drag items here " on the right side of the windows media player, click on Start Sync button.
Good luck

How do you put music on it? I have it connected.

1. Free a USB port on your desktop computer. Now, grab the USB cable for your SanDisk Sansa MP3 player and connect the player to your computer. 2. Wait for your computer to find and recognize the player. This may take a few moments. Once you receive a confirmation message, open your computer and scan the icons for the SanDisk MP3 player. 3. Open the SanDisk Sansa MP3 player on your computer. The music files that you currently have saved to the player?s memory are displayed. 4. Open a folder containing music files that is stored in your desktop computer?s memory. Scan the files for songs that you want to transfer to the SanDisk Sansa MP3 player. 5. Left-click on a song file and drag to the SanDisk Sansa window. Drop the file and let your computer complete the transfer. The transferred file appears at the bottom of your music list. 6. Unplug your SanDisk Sansa player from your computer. Turn the player on and allow the file transfer to update to the internal memory of the MP3 player.

Song's will not appear on Sandisk Sansa e270 (6GB)

Go to and search for your mp3's programming and download it, no promises, but it worked for my sansa fuze


  1. Plug in your USB cord to your Sandisk Sansa Mp3 Player and computer (works with Windows XP, Not sure about Vista Or Win 2000).
  2. Go to My Computer.
  3. 180px-sansa_839.jpg magnify-clip.png Click on: Sansa E250 (Or E260, E270 or E280).
  4. 180px-media_503.jpg magnify-clip.png Folder: Media Click on the folder: Media.
  5. Click on the folder: MUSIC.
  6. Minimize that window, and open My Music (or where ever you have the music that you want to put on your Mp3 Player)
  7. Drag and drop the music to the folder: MUSIC (that you minimized in step 6) (or you can copy and paste [Ctrl + c to copy, Ctrl + v to paste] the music)
  8. Unplug the USB cord, and ENJOY!
Hope that helps
Thank you

Message You don't have a permit to enter file.

Use Windows Media Player to transfer the music files - the drag and drop method does not work well with this particular player.

Here is a link to the user manual:

-Tha Mp3 Doctor

I dont have a disk or manuel for my sandisk sansa m240 how can i download music to it? I have the usb cord tho.

Follow these steps to drag-and-drop music files to your Sansa player:
1. Connect your Sansa player to your computer.
2. Open Windows Explorer.
3. Double-click on your Sansa player.
4. Double-click Internal Memory if you are using WMP 11 or double-click
Media if you are using WMP 10.
5. Drag and drop music files from your computer to the Sansa player’s MUSIC

Can't download playlists to Sansa e270

Did you try dragging the songs individually??

Formated the SanDisk Sansa E280

You dragged & dropped files in recovery mode? Recovery mode is only for re-installing the firmware or formatting the device if it is unresponsive. If you are wanting to drag and drop files onto the device, the music needs to be put into the Music folder on the device. If you do not see the Music folder, you will need to enable hidden files and folders on your PC. Best of Luck. p.s. - you can add to this question this doesnt work.

Album Art will not Transfer

Try updating your mp3 software. And reload your palylist and Art.
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