Pioneer AirWave XM2Go Satellite Radio Receiver with Home and Car Kit Logo

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GAIL QUICK Posted on Nov 21, 2006

XM 2 GO Not Playing

The radio plays the live mode, but when I switch the mode to songs that I have already recorded no sound comes out. It shows the songs listed, you can see that they are "playing", it advances through the songs, but there is no sound coming out. This problem exists when I use it remotely with headphones as well as on the docking station hooked up to my stereo.

  • jmspjs Feb 17, 2008

    I have the Inno GEX-Inno1, I can see what is playing, but there is not sound.

    Someone, please help


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  • Posted on Aug 06, 2008
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I had the same problem. I had to reset (use a paper clip into the RESET hole under the battery cover ( or pull out the battery for a a couple of minutes). Then, after recording some songs, I switched over MYXM and then began rotating the channel selector dial. The volume indicator arrow moved off zero and began advancing up the volume scale. I kept doing it until it about half way and my sound was back.

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I have a XM delphi skyfi3 and I can record songs and listen to the radio portion fine. However, I cannot play my recorded music back on the my music mode, regardless of whether the xm is in the cradle or...

You must have a subscription and listen 'live' 8 hours a month, or it doesn't let you listen to recorded content anymore (thanks to the RIAA and their royalty fees to XM)

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The bad news is, because of the RIAA and royalty rules, you never are able to record from XM onto the MicroSD card. All you can do is playback your OWN MP3 files that you've put on the card. Also, you will LOSE all your recorded XM songs from the SkyFi3 when you don't listen to XM live anymore after a month; so complain to the RIAA and all the record labels that made this stupid rule.
PS: Make sure you've updated your FIRMWARE from the XM or Delphi website. Good luck!
PSPS: Does your SkyFi3 add a 1/2second blank inbetween songs when you record continuously and the song title changes?

I have a creative inspire 5.1home theater i need 5.1 songs

5.1 plays surround sound tracks when available, when playing an audio track that was recorded in stereo (2 channel) it should only emit from the front left and right speaker, and when playing a movie in 5.1 at points in the audio track all five speakers should emit sound. Is this the case?

My XM recording plays but doesn't have audio.

Recently I had the same problem - could see it was playing on the screen, but no sound in the headphones. Pulled battery and reinserted. That solved the problem, whatever it was.

Downloading instructions Delphi SKYFi3 unit

You can't download Xm programming, like you can from itunes, where you get a song in 3 or 4 seconds.  
Do you mean record music? You must record realtime, either while listening or while the unit is idle in its cradle.
It's easy. while listening to the radio in the cradle (press mode repeatedly to get to Live XM mode), then press the center (play/pause) button.  the menu will pop-up, select Record.  It will give you the option for Song, Channel, and Session.  Just chose one of the first two and press the button.  You should see a microphone appear at the top of the screen.  It's recording.  Follow the same steps to stop the recording.  Setting up a recording session is self-explanatory once you get into that screen.

Inno music transfer!

If I understand correctly-you are saving the xm files in the xm format and thus can not be then moved to a cd or computer. You can take mp3 music though and add it to your inno but not the other way around.

Skifi xm

click on the display button until it shows the channel name
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