Acer AOpen AX4BS-V (91.89J11.001) Motherboard Logo

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Mike Foster Posted on Nov 20, 2006

Dont Post Hey can someone please help?? I was useing this computer when all of a sudden after i shut it dn wont restart I am geting pwr to motherboard the two red lights on board lites up and theres power going to all componets just no green led.. Now heres what I have done I pulled the ram cdrom floppey drive video caerd sound card even change the pwr suply to a new p4 nothing on the motherboad excep for the ram ( yes the ram is good) pwr suply an video card still no post ram is new checked on anouther computer works great pwr suply is a 450 p4 new video card is a gforce new. Oh an I pulled bat to reset. This computer was woking great tell i shut it dn the rigt way start etc. and i also pulled the proser and checked it in anouther computer checks good. :( I thunk the moutherboard me it maker :(

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  • Posted on Jul 21, 2008
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Try looking for a cmos reset switch on the motherbaord instead of taking out the battery use the switch if nothing still happens your mobo is stuffed


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  • Contributor 24 Answers
  • Posted on Mar 29, 2007
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I thunk your rite it met its maker, sounds like you followed all the test procedures, and unfortanuly that's what happens from time to time working great on min then gone to the GB in the sky the next. unless you have a DX card or know someone that has one, (and thats only to confirm its dead) sounds like you need a new system board.


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I have an MS-7502VER:1.2 motherboard and i cannot find wher to plug the power switch into

Hi scouts692

The Front Panel Header Pin arrangement for this motherboard is unusual, in that the header only appears to have 8 pins in a single column rather 2 parallel columns of 6 Pins with 1 blank, as most conventional motherboards do.

Pin 1 is POWER SWITCH orange or red (PWR SW 1)
Pin 2 is POWER SWITCH white or black (PWR SW 2)
Pin 3 is POWER LAD + (PWR LED -)
Pin 4 is POWER LED - (PWR LED +)
Pin 5 is HARD DRIVE LED - (HD LED -)
Pin 6 is HARD DRIVE LED + (HD LED +)
Pin 7 is RESET SWITCH blue or green (RST SW/RST 1)
Pin 8 is RESET SWITCH white or black (RST SW/RST 2)

Please refer to a PDF of the Motherboard Manual for additional information about the setup of this motherboard (the relevant page for the Front Panel Header is page 17/Section 2-13)

hope this helps.

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Hi, I have a Dell XPS Model PP25L. Whilst using it this morning it suddenly shut down and wont restart. Have tried with and without the battery and with a different power supply. Local computer shop says...

Hi Tdenton, it must be a problem with the motherboard and the power supply connection. You can have the motherboard replaced by a dell expert technician and you can also check the manual on how to replace the motherboard from this link change motherboard. Hope this can help.

Computer shuts off. Pentium 2 with Intel D865GLC motherboard.

she is having trouble because she knows them capacitors are going bad...... replace them... but it nay be more than that... dont give up on finding this problem, because you may find a breakthrough!!

My computer shuts down by itself. Have problems restarting or not starting at all. The start button light stays on even after I unplug my computer.

power supply problem possibly? I dont know about the pwr light staying on but i knew someone who had mostly the same problem and it was clogging with dust and overheating. you might want to open it up and wipe it down to see if that helps

My computer get restarted very often

Perhaps the computer is overheating and shutting down to protect its components. If so, blowing out the inside of the computer and the heatsink fins on the processor could alleviate such a problem.

When a computer shuts down for such protection, it seldom damages the harddrive. If there's a sudden loss of power, a surge of power across the heads could damage the disks as the head drifts across them. Usually a disk check can repair this type of damage. But even with damaged sectors, most data would be recoverable.

Need Diagram for the pwr,reset,pwr led,hdd led speaker connections on the motherboard. Model p5s 800-vm.

Hi there.
On the motherboard look for the front panel, it should be marked PWR and coloured green, also the plug that connects to it should be marked PWR_SW.
Have a look at these pictures for an idea >>>>>>


Please post back with the results and any more advice if needed.

Good luck and thanks for using FixYa!!


first youll need a cd the same as the one thats on your computer now. find someone you know and borrow theirs, just make sure that you have your product key that came with your computer, it should be on a sticker thats attached to your computer.
once you require another cd, start your computer up and load it in your computer and then shut it down and restart, it should start to load automatically, if it doesnt youll have to go into setup and change your boot settings.
when you begin loading your new operating system make sure your delete the existing drive or you wont get a complete hard drive format, dont worry it will automatically put your c: drive back where it belongs.
if you need more help let me know, but be specific about your problem.
good luck and would you please leave your feedback

Led pwr+hd isn on, cpu fan is runing, but no

if your monitor is working properlly,then you should check the following things:-Remove ram and start the computer. If it gives you any beep then your motherboard is all right.And if not,then it's time to buy a new motherboard.


hey drup

have you tried going into safemode and in safemode, try to do system restore.

you or someone may have deleted an important file... thats why your computer wont start up normally.

please try safemode and post what happens. thanks
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