Symphonic SL260A S-VHS VCR Logo
Angela Friestad Posted on Nov 16, 2006
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Eating tapes and then refuses to work

The VCR started to eat my tapes! I stopped playing the tape, and tried to eject. The tape only came half way. It was "free" from the mechanical stuff, but wouldn't come out all the way like normal, so I had to use tongs to get it out. Now it thinks there is still a tape in it! I've tried disconnecting the power to reset it, but it still thinks there is a tape in, and will not even let me watch my dvd player which is plugged into the vcr, it will shut off and flash the tape in light. Is this somthing I can fix, or is it time to just get a new vcr?

2 Answers



On this particular vcr usually there is a small plastic gear on the right handside of carriage assembly i noticed that if one of the teeth are missing it will cause the whole unit to go out of sync.
the only solution here is to find a new gear online to replace it otherwhise i hate to say it but is scrap..


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  • Posted on May 20, 2007
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Try opening the case. then, using your fingers, roll the gear that drives the tape eject mechanism until a full tape eject limit is reached. power up and try


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Related Questions:


Cassette tap in my vcr get eating

The unit has a bad transport mechanism--it among other things moves the tape in play etc and when ejected winds the tape back into the cassette.

Could be bad belt/s or a bad idler made of rubber that does this type of function.

If a old unit may be better to replace if you can find one new.

Power goes off when a cassette is inserted. Tried cleaning heads but it won't even run that. When power is turned back on the cassette is immediately ejected.

Good day!!!

Most common problems
  • VCR refuses to FF or REW and shuts off.
  • VCR shuts off entering PLAY or REC or at random during PLAY or REC.
  • VCR eats tapes.
  • VCR doesn't accept tapes or ejects them without cause.
  • Sound is wavery, fluctuating, or muddy.
The cause for all of these is very often a bad idler tire or other dirty, worn, or tired rubber parts

VCR is eating tapes

There are different reasons that a VCR could start eating tapes. It could that it just needs a good cleaning or it could have a mechanical problem you will really need to have it checked out by a service center to determine why. If you have small children I would check it for signs of “peanut butter sandwiches. J

JVC GR-AX640u VHS-C Eating Tapes

The capten belt slipped from the remoce the mechanisum and fix with a new one.

Eating my vcr tapes

ok , lets start with MOISTURE where VCR located ,what happen is that moisture can cause the tape to catch on the polished surface of the drum head , some instances will play,but the tape stops stretching it and damage occurs. SECOND check for a defective idler tire that prevent the take up reel from spinning. also check for any drive belts ( look like black rubber bands ) that might be stretched with time ,replace with new ones .hope this info helps

Vcr eating tapes

When a VCR eats a tape, it can be cause by a couple things.

1. There is a rubber wheel called a "pincher wheel" that compresses the tape against the "capstan". The capstan is a shiny metal spindle connected to a motor. The pincher wheel can become worn and/or dirty (slick) from the oxide coating off of the tape. You can try cleaning the pincher wheel and capstan with alcohol or try using a re-grip solution on the pincher wheel. Last thing to do is replace the pincher wheel. Look to see that the pincher wheel is doing its job by pulling the tape through.

2. There is a small tire wheel called an idler tire. This tire pivots between the sending and pickup reels of the player. Its also used during fast forward & rewind as well as play. If the tire is worn, the tape won't be wound up as fast on the take-up reel as the sending reel during play. This means more tape is coming out of the cassette than can be wound up on the takeup reel. You can try using a re-grip solution on the idler tire or replace it.

Let me know if you need more information as to where to purchase these parts.

Good luck!
- Jim

VCR stops, ejects, eats tapes

clean the heads and retime the gears.

Vcr eating and/or ejects tape

Tape heads should be cleaned first and gears lubricated. This job can be done at home if you purchase lithium grease and are very careful not to get it on the heads or spools. Greasing should only be done if you are confident in opening it up. Otherwise, seek a cheap professional. 

It won't register a tape entering

check all wire connections again inside, especially the motor to eject the tape.

Eating Tape when rewinding in vcr mode

look for a tiny pinhole and insert a pin while powered up to reset the device. if no-go, then the take-up reel needs attention...needs possibly a new or well-cleaned-with-alcohol-swab rubber belt
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