JVC AV-27950 27" TV Logo
Anonymous Posted on Nov 28, 2006

TV wont power on, clicking noise and flashing standby led

One of my neighbors gave me their broken JVC tv. When I turned it on, I got no picture or audio. There was a clicking noise and the red standby light on the front was flashing. I opened up the tv and found the clicking noise to be coming from a relay directly next to a transformer (not the HV transformer). When I was originally testing this, there was a terrible burning smell coming from the tv (not sure where exactly) and there was some small amount of smoke. Is this problem only from a broken transformer, or is there a bigger problem here? Thanks

  • 1 more comment 
  • Anonymous Jan 05, 2008


  • alamander70 Feb 12, 2008

    My TV has this same problem but the red standby light is not flashing but is on. There is no sound no video and a clicking sound coming from inside the set somewhere on the board but cant localize the source. I hope somebody can tell me about a solution to this problem.

  • sterum Nov 15, 2008

    Same thing here. Called a Sears TV tech who is a friend. He said it sounds like the High voltage is fine because the tv is clicking (a sign of the high voltage coming on). He suggested the problem is in the control board itself. Probably has something to do with the AV controllers not being able to initialize when the tv is trying to power up. He also said I would be hard pressed to find a replacement board and even if I could the cost would not be worth it. His suggestion time for a new TV.....


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To all the user with this problem.

The TV is on protect mode. The clicking sound is the protection switch that keep turning the TV off to prevent further damage, this happens when a fault had been detected.

Try first leaving the TV power cord unplugged for some times, let say one hour or so.

Also ensure that the fault is not coming from a faulty receiver box sending bad signal, check if you get same problem with no receiver box or dvd connected.

If that does not work, and you keep having a flashing led on front of the TV, and tv turning off by itself after a while, that indicates a fault condition.

The flashing light indicates a diagnostic state called protection.
When the TV goes on protection there are only two possible reasons.

1The internal circuits are jammed because of electrostatic charges accumulating on capacitors, or because of a wrong voltage read by the main chip on your monitor controller board. this started the protection circuit.

2 The protection circuit detected a wrong voltage or abroken contact, identified an internal fault and kicked in , startingthe flashing light.

If you are in situation one, then theTV will reset just unplugging power cord for one or two hours,sometimes even minutes.

If you are in situation 2 , then there is an internal fault.

Common faults that can occur are a blown capacitor on power board, a convergence IC has blown, or a fault on Digital board.

Check also the video cable or any external connection cable, if the cable is shorting, or the connector is bad, you can get same flashing state because of the video cable.

If under warranty contact the manufacturer ringing the number on the user manual

If you want to repair at your own expenses, just locate any good qualified repairer.

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