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Noah Leigh Posted on Nov 13, 2006
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Color fades in and out of picture

I have a 27 inch Philips TrueFlat Analog TV. Recently, while watching TV, the color will simply fade out so that the picture goes to black and white. You can still see the tv program fine it just is in black and white instead of color. Sometimes the color will come back on its own but sometimes it won't but if you change the channel and the color comes back right away. I am assuming that something is partially failing. Can you let me know what might be the problem and if it is something that I can fix myself? Thanks.

  • Noah Leigh Nov 13, 2006

    I will try and determine if the connection is the problem. I hope it is. Thanks for your help.

  • Nessie810 Feb 16, 2008

    I turned the tv on and it was black and white. 24 hours later, I've tried everything I could think of and there is still no color.


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William Miller

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  • Posted on Nov 13, 2006
William Miller
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The first thing I would check is the antenna or cable connection into the set. When an analog TV signal is weak, the first thing to go is the color, then the picture, then the sound. If you have another TV, connect it to the very same cable or antenna connection and see if it fails the same way, too. Make sure you just disconnect the cable end right where it goes into the failing TV and connect it to the other TV - don't disconnect the antenna cable from the wall for this check. If the second set does not fail, gently pull on the antenna wire - not too hard, you just want to put a little tension on it to see if it makes the color cut out. Reconnect the first one and try again. If it's fine now, the connection was loose. If not, it has a tuner problem that must be repaired. Also, when you look at the end of a TV connector, the center wire should stick out just a little bit, like in the attached photo. If it doesn't stick out as bit, it won't make good contact, and will result in a weak signal. I appreciate your rating if you find this helpful.

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