Recently my pc won't turn on when I hit the button. After messing with it over the past couple days here is what I've determined is working... ram is fine and in the right slot cpu is fine vid card is fine psu is working properly switch on the case works and pins it connects to are fine I can even manually jump the computer to get it to startup and everything runs fine. But, when I press the switch on the pc there is some step in between the connection being sent from the switch to the board that stops it from powering up. Any and all help is appreciated! Ps. I've already tried resetting the cmos, didn't work.
Sounds like a bad mortherboard
Pls check power state option in the bios
it is like
after power failure
always on
turn off
You must have accidently pluged in your power connecteers incorrectly. Try reinstalling the power wires fromthe plug to the mother board all of them... GQQD LUCK Troy
The switch works but when you "jump" it it works? What exactly did you do to "jump" it? It sounds like you have a faulty cable between the power on switch and the computer motherboard.
Just try switching your power on connection plug to the motherboard the other way round, and check the other connections are the correct way around.
Usually answered in minutes!
short circuit kept blowing fuse on off switch seams to be the problem need a diagram to refit all front panel connectors to mother board
i have the same problem but i dont know how to jump the computer to see if that is it so what can i do?
Same problem. I have put use an entirely new case and PSU to no avail. I get the green light on the boad, it just won't turn on.
My problem is the same as the others. It began with a "difficult" turn on. Over the period of a week or so it became harder and harder to get to power up. The PSU is good as are all the other parts once the machine is up and running. I was told it was the switch. Shorting it out started the machine up several times. Now, however, that no longer works. I suspect that it is not a switch but rather a relay on the motherboard which the switch is used to activate. My A8N-SLI Deluxe has the warranty left on it. How do I verify this problem and get it corrected.
computer does not power up when the power button is pressed. although all the individual components check good, including the power supply
Hi. Same problem as described, No beeps, no screen.
Did the following:
Measured all power supply voltage. All OK
Replaced Motherboard (ebay, used): No fix.
Replaced CPU (ebay, used): Still No Fix
Stripped to bare-bones on ESD safe table top, no chassis. No drives or video card, no mouse or keyboard: Still no beeps to indicate failure.
Measured fan indication voltages to be 2.6 volts (all).
DIMM Memories work fine in another PC.
Video Card, Power Supply and the CPU Fan only the parts not changed. I have all drives completely removed, for now. Do I need them connected to get through the self tests? Could they be bad and affect the .
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Richard V
power on but not complete
Same problem but very intermittent. Just noticed that my APC surge protector is not plugged into the wall outlet. Instead it is plugged into another power strip. I now suspect my A8N is not sensing a good ground from the wall outlet. The A8N may need a good ground for the power button to trip the power supply to the run position. I will re-arrange things tomorrow so the A8N's surge protector is plugged directly into the wall outlet. Anyone else suspect a bad ground as the cause of this problem?