RCA P46924 46" Rear Projection Television Logo

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Tim Yandell Posted on Nov 07, 2006
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Static audio on certain channels

It is strange and has been going on for the last year or so. I will be watching the TV and all of a sudden it will just stopping audio. Everything else is fine IE video, remote TIVO and VCR. The sound goes out so all I an hear is static. I can unplug the TV wait a few seconds, plug it back then turn it back on and all is well for awhile. Some channels like discovery go out more than others(some not at all like ESPN, luckily!!). I have tried everything I can think of so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It is sooo annoying. Luckily I have a 10 year old boy so I make him plug and unplug but he would REALLY appreciate assistance. I have tried other plugs but no good????

  • fstovall3 Oct 18, 2008

    I have the same problem. My picture is clear, but there is no sound. I had a repair man out about 5 years ago and he replaced some "sound" device saying that it gets fried after the TV is moved so much. Cost around $300 to have it repaired. What are my other options?


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  • Posted on Nov 07, 2006
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Try tapping on the different boards and see if the sound comes back while you are doing it,use a wooden or rubber handle and be attentive to where you tap the chassis and that way you will know where the resoldering is needed wheter you do it or you call someone to do it,try following the speaker wires and they will lead you where the sound is processed but also try to tap on the tuner and that is the silver box where the antenna screws in,by now your set will also have a few other overheated areas that need resolder too.The back will be remove and the set will be on ,dont let your boy touch anything and be careful when you are doing it.Let Us know if you need more information.

  • Anonymous Nov 07, 2006

    Your rating response is also important.


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