Emerson EWC27T3 27 in. TV/VCR/DVD Combo Logo

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Rebekah Hansens Posted on Nov 06, 2006
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Same problem as Johnston

My dvd player no longer works.....I tried to buy a optical lens cleaner but it won't even play that.....I have a feeling that this is what it needs though...I never knew since I bought it that I was supposed to clean it on the inside in anyway....

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What you may need to do is determine if the motor is even spinning the disk. If not check the motor circuitry. You will need a schematic and voltmeter. Onc you have these items get in contact with me and we can start working on thie issue.

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Samsung DVD-R130 will not load dvds, but will play CDs


have you tried a lens cleaner? the lens may have gone bad and would need to be replaced. Do you have warranty on the player?


How do you clean the optical lens

You can buy sens cleaner disc from most of the electronic spare part selling shops. buy one and insert it into the player. It will clean the optical lens automatically. The disc won't cost more, and can be used repeatedely.

The player will not play dvd's or cd's, what might be the problem? The stereo will work, but the discs will not play.


You probably need to have the DVD optical lens to be cleaned. You can also try to buy some CD lens cleaner discs from best buy.

I hope this helps. Thanks and good day.


DVD player is no longer playing DVDs. It says there's no DVD when I've tried numerous ones. TV is not that old.

Try cleaning your player by a dvd lens cleaner. Buy dvd lens cleaner that has a brush attached to it. if nothing happens you may open your player and clean the lens using a very fine small brush. the number one enemy of dvd players is dust. be careful not to touch the lens with your hands. If still nothing happens you may ask for a repairman to change the lens or buy a new one.

My Oppo DVD player suddenly froze in mid-play, and then when I tried to reboot it, it just hangs, saying "loading." Then after a long while, it says "no disk"-- even though there is indeed a DVD in it. And...

clean the lens with a dvd/cd lens cleaner (walmart, radio shack, etc.). or if you're feeling adventurous, remove the top, remove the dvd shuttle cover, and clean the lens with a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol. wip it off gently ad blow it dry with your mouth (as opposed to a hair dryer). the alcohol will evaporate. put it together and try it out. if it still doesn't read, you may need to replace the optical pickup (lens and motor).

Unit plays DVD but no longer Blu Rays

That is because of a dirty or defective lens. When lens is dirty, the unit may still operate on regular CDs and DVDs and not be reading BD.

Try first using a lens cleaner for Blue Ray: Maxell 190054 Blu-Ray Lens Cleaner

If that does not work, the unit may be disassembled, and lense cleaned with q tips and isopropyl alcohol or cleaning solution. See below:

How to Clean the Laser Pickup Lens on your DVD Player

How to safely clean a DVD lens?

Clean DVD lens, or replace player?

Clean CD or DVD ROM lens with a brush?

Cleaning your DVD drive

How to clean a DVD player

How do I clean my DVD player optical lens isoproponol alcohol

Being this a blue ray unit , I would suggest calling support instead of disassembling the unit by yourself.


Pionner DVR-540H-S no longer plays DVD's


good day, true it's not advisable to use disc cleaner for it may also damage or scracth the optic lens inside.Possibly the optic lens of your player is either dirty caust by dust or faulty. but let's do hope it's only dust related and the only thing you can do now is to open and unscrew the upper cover of your player. Get a soft cotton buds, after dismantling the upper cover locate the optic drive lens and clean the lens by wipping it gently in circular direction. then try to play some DVD.


I have a portable dvd player model number mdp1030 the unit keeps saying no disk I have tried numerous disks same results.

then i think the lens is not able to read the disk.

and so i would suggest you to buy a disk cleaner CD and run it in your DVD player and then use your regular disks.

if this is not working then it is some internal fault in your DVD players lens.
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