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Teresa Donn Posted on Nov 19, 2006
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Focus I have had my camera for a year now and loved it but for some reason it will not focus anymore. I have went through the manual and tried everything it has to offer. I recharged my batteries and it still doesn't work. I cleaned my lens and I toggled the focus and still nothing. It all comes up very fuzzy. Help! I don't want to buy a new camera!

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  • Master 2,985 Answers
  • Posted on Jul 22, 2007
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Joined: Apr 27, 2007

Samsung customer support first place to go - it may be a recall issue.

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Related Questions:


Blurry at night sg6153 color camera?

Hello,There are several possible reasons why your SG6153 camera may be blurry at night. I love this camera and researched all the necessary steps you should follow to avoid the blurr.
  1. Adjusting the focus: Make sure that the lens is properly focused. You can try manually adjusting the focus or using the camera's autofocus function.
  2. Improving lighting: Make sure that the area around the camera is well-lit. This will help the camera capture more light and produce clearer images.
  3. Reducing camera shake: A shaky camera can cause blurriness. Try using a tripod or stabilizer to keep the camera steady.
  4. Changing the shutter speed: Try using a faster shutter speed to reduce motion blur.
  5. Cleaning the lens: If the lens is dirty or smudged, it can cause blurriness. Make sure to clean the lens with a microfiber cloth or lens cleaning solution.
  6. Updating firmware: If all above steps fail, check if there is any firmware update for the camera, sometimes bugs and glitches can be resolved by updating the firmware

    good luck
Jan 19, 2023 • Cell Phones

Autofocus problem

Does this problem still exist when you have the shutter pressed halfway down?


Poor picture quality

Some one might have messed up with your camera. 
some one might have changed the resolution, aperture, manual focus etc of the camera.
Try setting them according to your needs or try resetting the camera.

My Casio EX-Z75 won't focus anymore.

Press menu and go over to setup. go down to reset and press right arrow to highlight ok and press select. Then try to take another picture to see if it will focus. If not it will have to be sent in and I have seen it sometimes cost around $120 to fix.

Problem with lens

if you cant afford it read this,
The reason for this is that I find it easiest to track a moving subject if it's in the middle of the viewfinder. Cameras cannot know what you want to focus on, and if you start using multiple AF points, how is the camera supposed to know that you want to focus on the bird and not the tree - cameras are lacking in human thought processes! What is quite handy though is using the AI SERVO FOCUS or AI FOCUS settings so that the lens will alter it's focus on the subject over which the centre AF point is aligned as it moves towards you or further away from you. Without this, the focus will fix at the point you half depress shutter and if the subject comes closer or goes further away then it will be out of focus. you can call any expert of lences also for it if you can afford.

Canon EOS Rebel

This is just a cut and paste from the user manual, but should do what your after.


Absolutely screwed up, recently purchased camera

try to shoot without a card. or better use a known good card. [:0)

Help! can't focus

I would be on the side of your "smart" friends. As you know, the camera optics contains several lenses. Sounds like one of the lens dislocated and the CCD image is blured.

Canan powerhot a400 mallfunctions

Upper Indicator
" Green: Metering complete (two beeps sound)
" Orange: Flash will fire
" Blinking Orange: Camera shake warning / Insufficient exposure
Lower Indicator
" Yellow: Macro Mode / Manual Focus
" Blinking Yellow: Focusing difficulty* (single beep sounds)
* When the indicator blinks yellow, lock the focus before shooting.
lcd_focus_indicators_a70.gif The AF frame appears as follows when the LCD monitor is on. " Green: Metering complete
" Yellow: Focusing difficulty (When AiAF is turned on.)
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