PSP UMD Repair: Not reading UMD discs
I have seen many PSP's stop reading UMD discs and for the most part they are repairable with the least amount of opening your PSP.
First we will do some trouble shooting with what might be wrong with your PSP unit.
About 35% of the time I find that there is something stuck in the UMD gear. It is different every time, sometimes its a piece of dust, plastic, soda, and even hair.
Another 25% is the Disc Spinning motor. This will not let The disc in the UMD spin.
About 20% is the Laser motor, this might be hard to spot since it could be something in the gears.
About 10% is the actual laser itself. It will not focus the laser to read the UMD disc.
The Last 10% is the Motherboard. This is the worst outcome, since there is very little what we can do but replace the motherboard.
So first what we need to do is find out what is actually wrong with your PSP.
With your PSP in hand.
Turn on your PSP and remove any UMD that might be in there now.
If you open up the UMD door and look down inside you will see the Laser assembly.
If you look to the left there is a black tab that sticks up, this tells the PSP that there is a UMD in the drive.
If you press this down with a small probe, you should see the disc motor spin and the laser light up red
If the Motor is not spinning. is it moving slightly? Maybe a little twitch?
I would lean more towards the bad motor problem BUT would not say for sure, I would recommend that you take the parts out and see if there is another problem also.
If the laser is not lighting up then it could be the laser, I would try and check the cables to the PSP and see if there is a bad connection.
If both are running well then lets put a disc in and get your ear up close so you can hear what is going on in there.
On a working PSP you will hear the disc start to spin up, then you can hear the laser start to twitch, followed by the laser motor moving the laser down the rails.
Can you hear the disc spin up? If not I would take the disc out again and press the switch with your probe again. if the disc motor is spinning again, look around to see if the metal housing is obstructing the disc when you put it in.. there could be to much pressure for the disc to spin freely.
Can you hear the Laser focus? This might be hard to hear it will sound like a little tick. If you cant hear it tick I would move on and inspect this internally later.
Can you hear the Laser move down the rail? This will be a smooth sound of the gears, it should not be a really clicky sound.
If you can't hear it move down the track OR it is very clicky follow this.
It would look like this if your UMD door was off.
You should open the UMD door and carefully manually move the laser to the right side of the assembly.
Use a sharp THIN probe to manually move the WHITE gear under the metal housing. It is quite hard to see it in the photos so I put a red star around it.
I usually try and scrape the gears themselves to make sure there is no gunk or debris in the gear.
After this try and see if it is reading UMD again.
This fixes it about 35% of the time.
If none of this is working, it is time to open your PSP unit Or send it in for repair.
If you know what's wrong you can replace the problem here
Replace UMD Assembly
Replace UMD Disc Motor
Replace UMD Laser Motor
Replace PSP Motherboard
need any more help jst ask bro ... Symo02
My psp cant read my i cant play games that installed on my memory card.if i use umd the game wont start and the screen freezes..and if i remove the umd and try playing the games all i get is that the game could not start (80020321) was working fine suddenly i had this problem...please i need help...i cant play and dont know what to do
Hi my psp screen turn blank the power turns on for a few sec then off, that happened when i accedentally press button when its configuring something, is there anything i can do to make it work again? please i need help i just bought it 2 days ago
Clean the game
One of the HUGE things is screen protectors that screw into the top of the PSP. If those screws are too tight, the PSP doesn't close all the way. It will spin the disc, but it wont read it. This happens a lot especially with the Pelican slim fit screen cover.
My psp3001's buttons are not workin right . when you press a direction, it jumps back and forth.
Update and game went out . light come on for about 10second and goes out.screen stays black will not light up.
Try cleaning the lens, it worked for me.
Try cleaning the lens of the psp with a q-tip and some rubbing alcohal
I've tried putting UMDs in it it wont work
Usually answered in minutes!
My psp does not play a new game I bought. But it plays all the other games whats wrong? Can my memory card be too full?
all the games that i have downloaded on my new psp doesn't play, how can i fix it?
yea same here
My psp cant read the game umd and can not hookup to the internet
please help
my psp won't read any game... it won't even try for one second
psp - 1004
My psp when turned on, put in a game, it stays at the home page and will not load the game. Sometimes it will get off the home page and still does not load the game.
my psp wont read umd disc and allso makes noise when disc is inserted
No matter what I do my unit will not play games. It will scroll throught the menus but nothing with the games. What should I do?
I have a psp and everything works but it just won't play any games. When I put in a game the disk spins but the screen shows that the game is still loading. I need help
my son has a star war psp and when we insert a game it makes sound and an message appears that says this disc cannot be read pls help
PSP does not recognize game at all.
psp unable to read any disk
My PSP will not load any games or movies.
PSP doesnt recohnize ANY UMD
My PSP Slim is the same way. It was working fine one day and the next it wouldn't read any game I put in. I listened to what sounded like something like a small motor trying to work. I looked at the laser disk read and figured that its not moving properly. I don'y know if it is not on the spiral track right or something. I tried to move the laser around the track but it still wont read the disk. Please someone help.
My PSP won't read any of the games I put in. It was working before and then all of a sudden, it wasn't working. What Can I do to fix this problem? I tried putting the UMD in another PSP and it works. So its definetely not the UMD.
Doesnt recognize the umd
my umd game freezes at a the loading sceen every time i try to play it.
i'm unable to play any games on my PSP, it won't reconize any game I put in to play
my psp wont play games either i tried taking the battery out and playing a game but it didnt work
i purchased psp it was very great and after that when i updated its system software to v.3.95 and 4.0.1 the games stopped appearing in the games folder
my psp makes a whirling noise and won't play my games?
will not read any disc the disc spins but nothing happens
it makes a sound like er er er er er er er beep and then it dose it agin and my game wont open
iv tried taking out the battery for 5 minuts iv cheked the laser iv reseted the setings
wont play game doesnt spin or anything
i have the same problem it won't read any of my games
my psp can not read my game in my memory card
psp won't read any games. under memory stick, it says "data corrupted"
my psp wont read the memory stick
I unfortunately bought a PSP on Ebay recently and it doesn't read games either. Please help!!!
[email protected]
my psp will start spinning the umd but the motor will stop and the laser will turn off. the loading circle on the screen will never turn off (at least after 15 minutes, i gave up after that). the laser moves just fine and the disk spins just just stops...i dont understand it at all...
i put the game into my psp and the umd icon just doesnt show up, i can even hear the thing spinning, plz help
when i insert the disc the loading circle comes up but the game doesn't load wot is going on :'(
i put the game in disk spins but does not load,
it makes uaual loading niose but nothing happens, it's like it just freezes
My psp will look like its going load the game but it can sit theres for hours and it still wont but if i put the game in and out like thirty times some times it works what should i do?
When I put the UMD game into the psp system a minute later when it registers i just get an error message saying disc could not be read. Can you please help me because i was looking to sell it thank you.
The game act's like it's going to load.It take's forever,to try to load But it dont.load at all.Sometimes it makes this loud sound.
I don't see the black tab. Could it be white? When I hold the White tab down nothing happens. When I put the UMB in it spins and there is a clicking sound then it read Disk unable to read. Please help.
The game act's like it's going to load.It take's forever,to try to load But it dont.load at all.
soooo I bought a used psp from EB games about 4 hours ago, and it wil play movies, start loading the games I got, but doesn't finish loading them, it just makes a loud clicking noise.
I'm so frustrated
i go to play a game and it will not bring the game on and will end up freezing the psp. the laser is working and i have cleaned it. what can i do to get it to run the games.
I turn on the psp and it brings up the loading symbol in the corner and it just keps showing that symbol
i turn on my psp but the screen is blank, there is no noise and the light turns off after 5 to 10 seconds
my new psp will no longer read any games
i just bought game worked all week then after i got off of the airplane, the game wouldn't load so i did the restsart default settings [didn't work] erased memory by accident :[ please help umd icon not anywhere under games
placed a memory card psp and screen goes black and cuts off and it also does this when I put in games sometimes.
The psp is new and now does not read the umd.
my psp will not read the umd and when i removed the battery an dturned it back on the screen stays blue and it still doesnt read the disk
when i put my UMD in it makes this whirring noise and wont read it, how can i fix this?
PSP will not read discs just hear a whirring sound...please help
When i put in a game it just clicks and does nothing.
it wont load my game
my psp is not reading any of my UMD's
I put a game and my psp is not responding to it, as if there is no game in it.
my psp does not read any of my games, icon does not appear when i turn on system. please, please help me
thank you angelo
I just bought a sps 1000 it will not light up when chared the charge light goes off but wont do anything thanks
my game wont read the umd games
My PSP want come on?
Whenever I switch on my PSP 2 it will freeze.
everytime i put the umd in the psp 3000 it makes this gear moving noise.
it also makes this noise that sounds like beeping. it goes err err err err over and over.
the icon wont show up so i cant play my games.
i read some of the problems and the guy with the answer said that if you push down on the white thing in the psp with a probe it will run the spinner but mine wont.
and i cant see any laser.
i had just bought my 2 son's a psp and the one quit working it would not play any of his games so i took it back and they replaced it and now my other son's quit playing his games is there something wrong that they keep doing this because i did not spend 199.99 on a psp that does not work i would be doing something if people keep complaining about this cuz these kids love them thank you
i would like my childrens psp to work i bought one it stopped playing the games then i exchanged it for a new one and now i it happened to my other son's i did not pay 199.99 for my 7 yr old son to have his quit on him he really likes them
my psp does not read any of my games, icon does not appear when i turn on system. please, please help me
i have the same problem i have tryed everything,still getting cannot read disk, i have tryed to restore defalt settings and a broken egg appears at the top left. What do i do, and dose that mean anything???
the game froze while i was playing it and now my psp dosent read any of my umd's!!!!! What is wrong with thuis device?
when i put the game in the psp it wont load at all the game screen won't even come up=(
i have a psp right? it was working fine before the weekend, i was playing games and everything, but after the weekend was over with it just stop playing the umds,i mean you cant even hear it churn now, can someone please give me a solution to this problem?
Mine isn't reading the games either. I had music on it, but it it gone too. It shows all the memory being available.
when i upgrading my psp and the batt fell out and then my psp shut my psp does not come oon at all.. the power light shows for a few seconds then goes out.. the batt fully charge prior to this but still it doent open