Kodak EasyShare LS755 Digital Camera Logo

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Andrea Riby Posted on Nov 05, 2006
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Dropped on the Lens whilst in Open Position now it won't go in

Complete nightmare. I've dropped the Kodak Easyshare LS755 and typically it landed on the lens. This has meant the lens is dented on the end and won't retract. The camera powers on and you can see the photos but after a minute or so an error message comes on and it switches itself off. I've had a quote which was a base price of £104 with no guarentees of it being mended (they send off for the repairs) then if it can be mended it could be more. I'd really like to have it repaired as it was a gift and this model is no longer made butthe quote seems a bit steep. Anyone know if this is worth doing? Thanks

  • kanito1964 Feb 29, 2008

    The same happened to me, but after try to unlock the lenses for a while I finally get them out and the camera work but I don't know how to fit it 100% back again so the lenses are now lose. Please if you know the way to lock it back let me know.




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The problem is that the lens has become stuck in the barrel. There are some DIY solutions you could try, but the probability is that you will have to get it fixed by a professional.

Use these at own risk as it may further damage the camera.

Firstly , try connecting your ac adapter or usb cable.

Try holding the shutter button while switching on the camera.

Look at the lens , and if some of the lens 'circles' is misaligned or not concentric then try wiggling it (while holding camera lens down).

Try gently pushing or pulling the lens when it extends but this is risky as it may cause the lens barrel to slip out of its guidance system.

Another way to do this is to place the camera lens down on a hard surface and then power it up. Be sure to use a soft cloth or something similar as to not scratch your lens or casing. Let the lens push the camera up and down a few times and sometimes the little resistance provided by the camera is enough to get things going again.

Try hitting your camera near the lens on the body with the soft tissue on the palm of your hand.

Other than that , I would take the camera to a repair center for a evaluation to see if it would cost more to repair than to replace the camera.

If it is still under warranty I would suggest you take it in before trying any of these steps and remove any off-brand batteries or accessories as some stores are really fussy about warranty repairs on camera's with non-brand accessories.

You can also have a look at THIS link.

Hope the advise is useful. please do not hesitate to let me know if you need any further assistance.


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Hi! Sounds like we have the same problem but mine says lens error 221,0,0,0 and my daughter dropped mine. If i dont get an answer soon, im sending my in for repair, it will only cost me $50.00. Here is the website incase you want to fix yours :) WWW.Kodak.com and just click on the repairs and services. Good Luck!!
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