Compaq MV 9500 (Carbon, Silver) 19 in.CRT Conventional Monitor Logo

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Rick Jefferson Posted on Dec 05, 2017
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Compaq 9500 color monitor 19"

The left horizontal border is black and continues to creep to the right (also has screechy black lines on the border). I've tried adjustments using the controls on the front of the monitor and this helped a little but continues to get worse. The monitor is about 3 years old. Is it time for a new monitor? Rickjeffer

  • 1 more comment 
  • Anonymous Apr 06, 2008

    The left horizontal border is black and continues to creep to the right (also has screechy black lines on the border). I've tried adjustments using the controls on the front of the monitor and this helped a little but continues to get worse. The monitor is about 5 years old. Is it time for a new monitor?

  • Anonymous Jan 28, 2009

    Exactly the same problem here. You can try to download the reparation manual and look inside the monitor for some small wheels to adjust with a little screwdriver some parameters. Don't make great modifications and bevare you are with your hands close to a high voltage machine.
    Good luck

  • mrspeed55 Mar 22, 2009

    Yes,but my S9500(not sure if it is the same as the MV9500)has the problem horisontal and vertical.I can set it back from the frount controls but soon after both horisontol and vert.borders will shrink in about an inch.I have reset from frount several times with the same result.any help aprechiated,thanks. (mrspeed55)


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Larry Ng

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  • Compaq Master 15,639 Answers
  • Posted on Dec 06, 2017
Larry Ng
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First off, its is NOT 3 years, old, new to you but not new
not in the slightest is it NEW> in fact 2002 monitor !!!! oops get ripped off by fibbing sellers, that it?
and it is bad.
NO PC stated.
NO OS stated
and no photos of bad, screen.
strike 3 you are out, like the 100000 post here like this,
no inputs, and expects magic answer from the blind, SSDD.
the name COMPAQ ended in 2013, 4 year ago.
most CRTS ended in 2013, started in 1981 with IBM MDA.
Monochrome monitors. eeks.
so why not buy a real LCD LED monitor 2010 and newer.
and join the 21st Century VACUUM FREE, and dangerous
19,000 volts free too (1kv per inch) it can kill you,
don't spill drinks in the top ok and live another day.
(PS; worked this from 1965 to 2010,) even NAVY PPI monitors huge. so know monitors well I do.

100% free and Zero steal email from you .

RTM all there is is this RTM and play with knobs.

What is so wrong here, is no PC stated.
monitors this old do not work on modern PC, unless you learn how to do that. (skill sets that)
step one set PC to 800x600, (screen reso)
then plug it and and pray the CRT brain works. still

that is all there is to it.
power on PC set to 800x600 reso
power on CRT.
push left select button (spoon fed)
see no signal on screen, means PC is dead. signals on vGA jack.
see out of frequency, message , see 800 above.
that book stinks btw.
lets find others.

MV9500 right, MV missing on your first post why?
the 9500 , no mV is here.
it does have OSD screen , push select button

degause it,
move screen L/R& UP/DN
and shapes, I call it trapezoid changes.
bright and contrast , no magic here all SOP,

max RESO on this old pig is.15yo
is 1024,x 768 60HZ
over that as most PC do now, this PIG GOES NUTS> fails.

4 Related Answers


Kevin Shafer

  • 1314 Answers
  • Posted on Jun 10, 2007

SOURCE: Vertical lines in my laptop screen

Although it could be a screen problem, it is more likely either a loose connection on the inside of the LCD or the video inverter itself which is a board that the LCD attaches to before going to the motherboard. Try hooking it up to an external monitor and if it doesn't do it on that, then we know its not the video card / video output. After that it would be what I spoke of above.



  • 6966 Answers
  • Posted on Jul 31, 2007

SOURCE: dim compaq s510 crt colored monitor

Hi, If you are comfortable working with tools, down to component level and know how to work around EHV areas, then it is possible to increase the brightness of any monitor including the Compaq S510. Make sure that the unit is unplug, Open the back cover and locate the FBT. You have to run/power on/attach a running PC to the unit with the cover off. Extreme care must be exercised. If you are not sure, you're better off asking a qualified service professional to do the adjustment. There two plastic slotted adjustables, focus & screen. Adjusting the screen changes the screen voltage going to the CRT. This will make the display go very dark or overly too bright. Adjust to your preference (not necessarily technically correct) The focus may also be adjusted this way. You have to run the unit with the back cover open for a couple of minutes to stabilize the voltages and the heater/CRT/ Adjust after a couple of minutes if necessary. In other monitors, there is a trimpot (small variable resistor) the adjusts the sub-bright. Further improvement maybe achieved by adding a 100uF/250V capacitor across the supply of the 70+VDC of the 3 gun transistors. If you are sure how to go about this, it is best to consult or seek the services of a qualified TV technician who can either show where and how or do the job himself. Hope this be of some help to you. Pls post again how things turn up. Good luck and kind regards.


  • 2992 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 17, 2009

SOURCE: Monitor: Compaq TFT5015 Displays vertical lines

Check that the signal cable from the computer is firmly connected and that there are no bent pins in either end. If the trouble continues, the problem is in the monitor itself. Given the low replacement cost, it's uneconomical to try repairing these.


  • 1 Answer
  • Posted on Nov 15, 2010

SOURCE: compaq mv540 monitor suddenly can't adjust screen features

Please somebody give a solution as same is experienced by me tooo.


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.adslot-overlay {position: absolute; font-family: arial, sans-serif; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65); border: 2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.65); color: white !important; margin: 0; z-index: 2147483647; text-decoration: none; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left;}.adslot-overlay-iframed {top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;}.slotname {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; padding: 3px 0 3px 6px; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.45); text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;}.slotname span {text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-transform: capitalize;}.revenue {position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; font-size: 11px; padding: 3px 0 3px 6px; vertial-align: middle; text-align: left; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.45); font-weight: bold; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;}.revenue .name {color: #ccc;}.revenue .horizontal .metric {display: inline-block; padding-right: 1.5em;}.revenue .horizontal .name {padding-right: 0.5em;}.revenue .vertical .metric {display: block; line-height: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em;}.revenue .vertical .name, .revenue .vertical .value {display: block;}.revenue .square .metric, .revenue .button .metric {display: table-row;}.revenue .square .metric {line-height: 1.5em;}.revenue .square .name, .revenue .square .value, .revenue .button .value {display: table-cell;}.revenue .square .name {padding-right: 1.5em;}.revenue .button .name {display: block; margin-right: 0.5em; width: 1em; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: clip;}.revenue .button .name:first-letter {margin-right: 1.5em;}a.adslot-overlay:hover {border: 2px solid rgba(58,106,173,0.9);}a.adslot-overlay:hover .slotname {border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(81,132,210,0.9); background-color: rgba(58,106,173,0.9);}a.adslot-overlay:hover .revenue {border-top: 1px solid rgba(81,132,210,0.9); background-color: rgba(58,106,173,0.9);}div.adslot-overlay:hover {cursor: not-allowed; border: 2px solid rgba(64,64,64,0.9);}div.adslot-overlay:hover .slotname {border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(128,128,128,0.9); background-color: rgba(64,64,64,0.9);}div.adslot-overlay:hover .revenue {border-top: 1px solid rgba(128,128,128,0.9); background-color: rgba(64,64,64,0.9);}6_4_2012_11_48_48_am.jpgTurn The inner bit towards you until it goes in fully then turn it on and it might work. Thats what I did and it worked

How to Format an HP Recovery Drive

How to Format an HP Recovery DriveThe HP Recovery Drive is a partition HP puts on its hard drives for use in case the primary partition becomes corrupt or unusable. The recovery partition contains system files and the ability to boot and repair, format and reinstall the operating system if needed. For those who prefer recovery disks or who don't feel the need for the insurance of the HP Recovery drive, it can be formatted by following the steps below.

Instructions1 Open Disk Management by Right Clicking "My Computer" and selecting "Manage."
2 Click on "Storage" and "Disk Management."
3 Find the Recovery Drive partition. There are usually two partitions: the "C: partition" and the "HP_RECOVERY D: partition."

4 Right-click on "HP_RECOVERY D:" and select "Format."
5 Choose the File system and Allocation Unit Size and click "OK." The HP Recovery Drive partition will format and be available for your specified use

Tips & Warnings
Be very careful to not format the C: drive by accident.

How to reset nokia mobiles life timer to ''0''

Nokia life timer is a counter that keeps track of the Total call time of your phone. It will show how much the phone has been used, and it?s the best thing to check if you?re planning to buy a used Nokia Mobile.
To see the Total Call Time or the life timer counter, On the standby screen type the following code *#92702689# (Easy way to remember this is ? *#war0anty#). And it will pop up a message that shows the life timer in hours and minutes.

Here is a detailed procedure to make this life timer zero.

The following files are required to reset the life timer:
  1. Nemesis service suite link: Download from Here
  2. file: Download Here
1. Download and Extract the file, and Download Nemesis Service Suite.

2. Install Nemesis Service Suite on your Computer, It won?t take much time.(select the first option)

3. Install Nokia Cable Drivers (No need to install, if you have Nokia PC Suite already installed)

4. Connect The Phone in ?PC Suite? Mode to the PC

5. Open Nemesis Service Software

6. Click on ?Scan for new Device? Button on Top right Corner 

7. It Will take a few seconds to scan, and it will load up the software interface after communicating with the Phone.

8. Click the ?Phone Info? Button.

9. On the Bottom, Select and open the ?Permanent Memory? Tab, which is next to the Fbus info.

10. Click the ?Write? button on Below right, and open the Extracted file on your PC. 

11. After the file is opened , it will immediately start writing it to the Phone?s EEPROM Area.

12. The Procedure will end when the progress bar reaches 20%. This is normal , and on the bottom right side, it will display its done.

13. Unplug the Phone, and Restart it.

14. After boot up, Check the life timer .

Note: This method has been tested on following devices: Nokia 6630, 6670, 6680, 5500 sport, 5700XM, 6110 Navigator, 6120 Classic, N70, N72, N73,N76, E50, E51, E61i, E65, N80, N91, N95, N95 8GB, 5800XM Mobile devices. If you want to try it on other S60v3 or S60v5 mobiles, do it at your own risk.

  • Power Failure During Writing will cause damage to the Phone, And there is a chance that it might brick the phone as well.
  • Loose, worn out Data Cables Might fail the Writing process, and there are chances of damage to the EEPROM area of the phone.
  • Do not attempt this with phones that are not included in the confirmed list.
By:- Mohammed Abdulhadi
on Jun 21, 2010 • Cell Phones

My new LG Flatron E2350 does not fill the 23 inch screen only 22 inches with a black border, have updated graphics and monitor card to the latest. What do I need to do for the graphics to fill the 23 inch...

Similar to TV - you need to adjust the "H" - Horizontal and "V" - Vertical. Horizontal will move picture up or down and Vertical will adjust left to right.

Use the menu button on your monitor.

Sometimes when I change the settings profile from "User" to "Graphics," a black border appears on the screen and some of the viewing window is off the screen. Usually when I click the "Graphics" profile...

All LCD displays have an "Auto" button press it and see if that fixs it. should be aparent what it does if it does it. but basicly it alines the picture with the screen. when you change back to user profile you may need to press it again.

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Monitor 19" A90F Image is larger in horizontal a the ajust is in lowest limit

Your monitors Horizontal section has gone faulty... some components have gone out of tolerence.. and this is what is making the picture streach out. I think it's gonna be a job for the "Shop" Ensure that you get a firm "Quote" B4 you proceede.
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