MSI 925XE Neo Platinum-54g Motherboard Logo

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julie gilmore Posted on Oct 08, 2006

Problem with motherboard MSI 925XE

Hi, On building my very first PC, I have done the drastic mistake of screwing it down to the case without the lower washers/nuts (so the motherboard was touching the metal of the case)then plugged it in. I have now refitted the motherboard properly and the computer seems like it is doing everything it should on inside i.e. Fans are going round on case,motherboard (cpu unit) and also on the radeon 1600x 512mb graphic card but i cannot get any sign of life on the monitor. Have i ruined something? please Help. PS Everything is new inside the PC but all was connected when the mistake happened and the monitor works on an other PC.

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  • Contributor 55 Answers
  • Posted on Oct 09, 2006
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A couple things: Is the BIOS giving you an error beeps? Also, does the motherboard have Integrated graphics? Sometimes if the Integrated graphics are enabled, it can cause the graphics card to not display at all. You also might want to check that the CPU doesn't have too little or *more likely* too much thermal compound on it. If the thermal compound is on the bridges of the CPU, this can cause the machine to start, but not boot to the BIOS.

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I need MSI-7312 motherboard drivers for win7 32bit

below is link for this board's specs.

However windows 7 is not supported
you can in most cases use the vista driver. or visit each components website for any new support drivers they have.
the above link does describe Realtek as your audio and Lan and VIA as your chipset.
you should at least have the latest BIOS done prior to updating the drivers.
hope this helps


I have problems with a new PC build. When computer powers on the screen stays blank. There is no prompt. Case, psupply, and cpu fan all work fine. DVD drive opens and closes. There is no beeps but not sure...

take the battery on the motherboard out. the little disk battery. leave it out for about five minutes. that should reset the bios and cmos to default. also , make sure you plug your monitor into it a default monitor slots on your computer, not to the VGA card if you have one.

I have had a motherboard failure the MS-7357 (V1.X) Mainboard... needing upgrade thinking of the MSI G41TM-E43 LGA 775 Intel G41 will i have to mess arround with the power switches with the case as this...

the ms, 7xyz series is a relic
all that matters is the size of mobo, to case
ATX or microATX
some or most cases (not oem) do both sizes
and none told by you case , maker and model
but just looking there under mobo shows what screw stub holes are there for both. or not.
the power switch is just 2 pins and easy to rewire.
the manual on both cover all that but no case told.

Continuos beep, No post no screen on 925xe neo. that i'm puting together from spares, I think it maybe a ram issue but before i go out and buy some more want a second opion

Before you buy new memory.
Remove your system memory and clean both sides of the contacts of each DIMM with a drop or two of house hold alcohol onto a cotton swab. Do not touch the contacts after cleaning. Reseat the memory and boot the system.
Your MSI 925XE Neo Platinum uses the Award bios.
Click on the link to open bios beep codes descriptions;
The 925XE Neo Platinum MB,
Supports up to 4GB memory size.
Supports Dual channel DDR2 memory architecture.
Supports DDR2, 400/533MHz memory.
You can also test your current memory if you wish. You can download this free testing software;
Scroll down the site to just below the three screenshots. Memtest86+ V4.00 (22/09/2009).
You can create a bootable CD or floppy disk drive software that will test your current system memory.

Hope you find this helpful!

Soyo KT400L-2AA5 Dragon Lite Motherboard - Lost Bios?

Kinda sounds like a short, have you made sure youre motherboard is screwed in with ground case screws? Ive done this one by mistake and got these same errors, also a fried board after a while. You also need ram in it as well before it will give a display, also if you have a second video car dinstalled you may have the monitor in the wrong video card slot, common mistake. If your bios is hosed then you will need to by a new board if you dont wanna solder a new bios chip to the board

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Foxconn 925xe motherboard

first check wheather power cable is join correcly at the monitor
then check video card placed correcly in agp card
or see the monitor cable join correctly at pc

Blinking Power LED ... no other action

Hi switchblade, Some of this will seem basic or even a rehash of what you?ve already done but please keep an open mind. The one thing I?ve learned over the years is never assume anything especially when things aren?t working like they?re supposed to. -The first thing I would do is to check each screw, card, connector and component you installed to make sure nothings being shorted out or is improperly connected. Common occurrences are screws touching capacitor or other component leads. -Check the power connectors to make sure everything is connected correctly and that all the contacts are still mounted in the plastic connector correctly. -Check the output on your power supply and verify it?s rated for your motherboard. It?s possible that whatever caused them to replace the motherboard could have been caused by a defective power supply or vice versa. -Make sure the motherboard is correctly grounded to the chassis per your instructions. Typically the mounting screws touch a grounding plane on the motherboard and in turn ground that to the chassis. If your using plastic mounting studs that might be a problem. -Verify the power switch is working correctly. -Make this as basic a machine as possible: remove and add in cards (except primary video card), remove all USB components, reduce the size of your memory (RAM) and if you have multiple hard drives remove all except your boot drive. -Try a more basic known good video card, a PCI if you have one. -Again whatever problem caused MSI to warranty replace your motherboard could have damaged your processor or memory. I would have expected a beep code but if you?ve gotten this far without resolving your problem we?re running out of possibilities. -If nothing changes can you tell us some more about the status of the computer or what led up to this? Did you just build it; just install a new part, power problems, anything? Let us know what you turn up and please don?t forget to rate the posting.
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