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I replace the red convergence chip in my Mitsubishi VS-45VA1 a few months ago. All was well until recently when the color started to change, getting a greenish tint that I can not correct. The image looks washed out and anything that should appear black is like a muddy green. Hope this description is accurate enough to help to identify the problem.
The picture on the tv has a greenish tint to all colors and we cannot seem to be able to adjust the color to make this greeniwh color to go awayThe picture on the tv has a greenish tint to all colors and we cannot seem to be able to adjust the color to make this greeniwh color to go away
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Re: Picture has greenish tint that I can't adjust out
There is a crt drive problem and you can isolate it by unpluggin g the set, removing the green crt socket, in the middle of the three tubes is the green tube by the way, remove one of the other tubes and switching the crt sockets and turn it on. If the set is still greenish, then the green crt is bad and needs replacement, if another color is primart, then it is going to be the green crt drive circuit and is going to need to be serviced. Good Luck
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The picture on the tv has a greenish tint to all colors and we cannot seem to be able to adjust the color to make this greeniwh color to go away