Generic Memory PCI USB and Firewire Combo Card (sd-cb5271b-4e6i) Logo

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Gregor Harnisch Posted on Oct 06, 2006
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Software for SD-CB5271B-4E6I

Hello, I am from Germany and bought a almost new pc on ebay. My problem is the software for the USB 2.0 and FireWire Comco Card (SD-CB5271B-4E6I). I searched the internet for a driver that lets me use the card but I found none. Though I used the automatic search of Windows, too, I really found nothing.Could anyone give me a hint or something? I would be thankful. with best regards MrJoe

  • Gregor Harnisch Oct 07, 2006

    I need some additional information: Because I could not put the card into the PCI-Slot no.1, I decided to put it into no.2 - which means Windows tells me the next time I start my computer that there is a new hardware found.... Windows minimized the installing to a tray in the task bar.
    I just waited, then tried to connect my cam about a FireWire cable to the PC, but it did not work. That was when I installed the software you posted. Well... I really did install after the description delivered in a text document I could open with Microsoft Word, but what am I supposed to do with that program? ? still can`t use my FireWire/USB2.0 card. Do i do anything wrong or what? I am totally confused and hope, you can tell me step by step what I can do, so that I understand.
    greetings MrJoe

  • Gregor Harnisch Oct 14, 2006

    Okay you have not heard of me for several days, so here are the latest news: What the fuck can I do with this SuperLink software? I did install the card two times after the installation guide ("superlinkuserguide") and it did not work. When I look for the drivers, the hardware manager tells me that they are from Microsoft and that they are version 5.1.2535.0

    By the way, the install did not totally succeed.... after installing SuperLink I plugged the card into a open slot and he installed the drivers from Microsoft.... updating those drivers I unzipped the files for the "real" software and tried.... but he cannot continue the process because there are no latest drivers than the ones from Microsoft....

    Meanwhile, I connected the camera with the USB-cable to the PC and everything was fine! The USB slot I used is one of those in the card, of course. Windows cannot help me with this idiotic "problem-solving" FAQ (or what it is in English), either.

    Summary: Is "SuperLink" a use for anything? The card is installed, isn`t it, when my PC recognizes the camera about USB!? And what do I do wrong? I am so confused I hate this fucking card and wpould throw it away when I had another working one! Thanks for answering. Yours MrJoe


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  • Posted on Nov 10, 2006
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The software that was listed are not the drivers you need for this combo card, You need the drivers identified as m5271 not m5672. I have the same card and this worked for me. george

Bill DeLisi

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  • Posted on Oct 06, 2006
Bill DeLisi
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Hello Mr. Joe, Your drivers are here: Please let us know if you need any additional information. Best regards, nightdiver

  • Bill DeLisi
    Bill DeLisi Oct 09, 2006


    There is a word file with the drivers that gives you step by step information. When you unzip the file, you will see it. Just follow the steps. Remember to install the software before you install the card.




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