Sony KP-51HW40 51" Rear Projection Television Logo
Edgar Laracuente Posted on Oct 05, 2006

Trouble I have 51in. Sony kp-51hw40, i turn on the tv and the screen was green,good sound but the picture stay green. The red light is blinking 5 times. What is the problem and how can i fixit.

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  • Posted on Oct 11, 2006
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Joined: Oct 11, 2006

Rookietec, I have the same type of problem with our Sony 51" KP51HW40 as well as thousands across the country. I have done a lot of research on this and have been in contact daily with Sony and my area service dealers. This is what I have found: The green, red, and blue picture tubes are filled with a material that is defective. When this material eventually gets overused (after a few thousand hours of use) the TV senses "something is wrong" and automatically shuts itself down. Sony is and was aware of this situation back in production and even changed the type of tubes they used but the new ones weren't any better. Sony established an extended, limited warranty to cover the cost of repair for this well-known problem but at this point the picture tubes are no longer in stock to provide repair. According to Federal law, manufactures are obligated to replace with equal or greater value product if they cannot provide repair on something they know was defective. My suggestion is to visit to report a consumer complaint to the Federal Trade Commission. I just did this morning and it took me about 3 minutes - very easy. Turn to Sony and ask to "Escalate your complaint" to higher levels because Call center reps are not in a position to help you. You start to get somewhere when you get a Special Event ID # and reach the Tech Rep department. I have been in contact with a few people that have been very persistent and stuck to there guns on this and they have been able to get an upgraded new TV for the price of what the repair would have been if Sony had been able to repair the set. The entire process for these people took about 4 weeks. I'm in week 2 and feel like Sony if finally being receptive. Hope this helps, feel free to contact me for any additional information at [email protected]. BadSony

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