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Hello, I was watching tv, when I went to change the channel the tv just went completely dead. It does not seem to have power going to it yet everything else on the same power strip does. This is pretty annoying seeing as though the tv is only 10 years old. Your help is appreciated in solving my problem.
Thank you
Only 10 years old??? Ok its most likly at the end of its usefull life, unless you want to put some cash into the set, as there are no user replaceable parts inside this TV, so you really should let a trained tech estimate it for you. But once you fix it, you most likly will start have problem after problem. Do yourself a favor, and buy a new one. The problem with this set is most likly the flyback and other componets or the power supply capacitors are bad.
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Thank you Techman, your answer was what I expected. I did send the TV out to a technician.