Brother MFC 210C All-In-One InkJet Printer Logo
Tania Wall Posted on Sep 26, 2006
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Printer not working

I have just set up my printer, havnt used it for a while & have just replaced ink. Every time I try to do something (print, scan etc) it comes up with error "Cannot clean - see troubleshoot". I have misplaced the booklet that came with the printer. Any ideas on how to fix this will be much appreciated.

  • Anonymous Jun 06, 2008

    my printer is not working, upon switching it, printer cannot clean a message display viewed.

  • pevelyn91 Dec 17, 2008

    I have the BrotherMFC-210 and it keeps telling me the cyan is empty even after replacing with a new one do you have an answer?


3 Answers



Will not print anything from Excel or Word or Notepad. Will print from internet


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  • Posted on Sep 09, 2007
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In 99.9 % this message means that the waistinktank is full and has to be changed. In 0,01 % means that the purge is broken. Both errors cant be fixed by user and the machine has to be taken to service.




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  • Expert 114 Answers
  • Posted on Sep 26, 2006
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You can read the user manual here: Page 123 (11-4) lists your problem and gives several suggestions on how to resolve it. If none of these suggestion work, you can also try here:

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Related Questions:


Trying to scan but says low ink and wont scan

You can go to printer preferences and change the setting to print Fast and Grayscale. That should allow you to scan and print if needed until the ink cartridges are replaced.

Ink absorber full brothers

(1) Open the printer
(2) Remove the ink cartridges from the print head.
(3) Use cotton swabs dipped in hot water to thoroughly clean the print head and each ink cartridge.
(4) Repeat this until there is no ink residue coming off on the cotton swab.
(5) Once finished, allow to dry and replace the cartridges
(6) Try to print something now

If that does not work then you have one of two possibilities:
(1) One of the ink cartridges is defective and causing the error
(2) If it's definitely not that, then the print head will need to be replaced.

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Canon iP6600D printer keep printing in Blak ink only

1st option, set the default profile in the printer properties. if it doesnt work. this will change all the settings that you might missed to check to go back to factory setings. also, check if your color cartridge is ok and with enough ink and not dis abled
2nd option, run any 3rd party software that can fix some windows system files or something like that. try to scan pc for viruses
3rd option, reformat your pc. maybe windows files that allows your printer to work are having problems or corrupted, base on the thing that you mentioned that it goes back to the grayscale settings

U162 error on black ink cannon printer

This error occurs when printer fails detecting ink level or printer assume that no ink in the cartridge. We cannot use print, copy,scan, and fax function before the problem fixed. It's recommended for you to replace ink cartridge. To continue using the printer without replacing the cartridge we must deactivate ink level detection function. Be aware that printing in this condition can damage the printer while sending fax or scan is not problem.

If you need any technical help on printer then you can reach at

This error occurs when printer fails detecting ink level or printer assume that no ink in the cartridge. We cannot use print, copy,scan, and fax function before the problem fixed. It's recommended for you to replace ink cartridge. To continue using the printer without replacing the cartridge we must deactivate ink level detection function. Be aware that printing in this condition can damage the printer while sending fax or scan is not problem.

This error occurs when printer fails detecting ink level or printer assume that no ink in the cartridge. We cannot use print, copy,scan, and fax function before the problem fixed. It's recommended for you to replace ink cartridge. To continue using the printer without replacing the cartridge we must deactivate ink level detection function. Be aware that printing in this condition can damage the printer while sending fax or scan is not problem.

Original source:

This error occurs when printer fails detecting ink level or printer assume that no ink in the cartridge. We cannot use print, copy,scan, and fax function before the problem fixed. It's recommended for you to replace ink cartridge. To continue using the printer without replacing the cartridge we must deactivate ink level detection function. Be aware that printing in this condition can damage the printer while sending fax or scan is not problem.

Original source:

Our printer will use the copier and scanner function fine but when we try to print some thing out it will not use any ink. we replaced both ink cartage black and color. All colors work when we copy or scan...

Do give the ink some time to come through, gravity will do the rest.

You could clean the ink heads to get the ink to come through quicker.

When printing the document, go through the settings and see if you see anything to do with the darkness of the print.


HP 7780 suddenly stopped printing in red. I have changed the cartridges several times. I am using brand new HP cartridges. Have cleaned the print heads, aligned several times, nothing has heled. The...

Hi Good day!!!
Maybe your print head is clooged (red)
Then most about 98% are more likely to be an ink clog which just needs to be unclogged using something like print head cleaning solution
Basically, if a print head has been left unused for some time... moisture inside the ink begins to evaporate and instead of liquid ink, a thick inky jelly begins to form inside the print head.

When this occurs white lines appear in prints and most people not realizing the problem, will replace their inks... But when that does not work. Some assume they have an electrical fault, and replace their print head, others will replace their printer !

But provided there is no obvious print head damage? In 98% of cases it simply needs a little patience and print head cleaning solution injecting directly into the print head to dissolve the dried ink trapped inside. This will dissolve the clog and allow your expensive ink to flow once again. Most will then print as new.

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Cant scan to computer

Unfortunately many of the All-In-One devices are like this. If the Cartridges are installed but empty the system is reading that fault code as the Cartridges not being installed. Even though you are not using the ink the printer is most likely doing a light head cleaning when it cycles. Replace teh cartridges and it should clear up.

My printer keeps printing the test page every time it's switched on

I had the same problem and it was driving me crazy until I did this. Please follow exactly and IN ORDER.

1. Turn off the printer and wait 10 seconds. Turn it on again

2. Let the printer print the test page.

3. After the test page is printed, disconnect the USB cable connecting the printer to your computer. DO NOT turn off the printer while disconnecting the USB cable.

4. Place the test page on the scanner glass and press the SCAN button on the printer. The ON light will flash as the page is being scanned.

5. Remove the test page when the ON light is steady.

6. Finally, turn off the printer and wait another 10 seconds. Then turn it on again. No more printing test pages! Yay!

(You may now reconnect the printer to your computer via the USB cable.)
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