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Janey Vcruz Posted on Sep 24, 2006
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MSI laptop technical problem

It just shut down as I was about to close the browser. The moment I tried to turn it back on, nothing happened. I decided to let it rest for a bit before turning it back on. Nothing happened still. And when I plugged the adapter, I don't see the green light indicator that it's being plugged. No indicator at all. After a few minutes, I tried turning it on and it's just not working. I suspect that it did overheat. I've experienced it shutting down by itself twice weeks back but it did work after allowing it to "rest" for a few minutes. Now I just can't turn it on. The only thing that's working is the built-it dvd-cd player. What could be wrong with it?!

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  • Posted on Sep 25, 2006
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Joined: Sep 01, 2006

Sounds like the laptop used up all the battery power and turned itself off. Its doing this possible because your AC Adapter is not functioning correctly. Most AC Adapters have an indicator light to show wether they are working or not. Does your have this and is it on? If the device is still under warranty, contact the manufacturer for a replacement. If the device is no longer under warrany, then I would recommend getting a new AC adapter. Make sure you get the same model AC adapter that originally came with the laptop. This will ensure that you have the correct voltage and amperage.

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Hi aidatul, please try these steps
1. Choose Start---Control Panel---Ease of Access---Ease of Access Center.
2.Click the Start On-Screen Keyboard button.
3. Click on the 'num lock' key once to turn it off
Close the keyboard and try to type.

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You can try this: Shut the computer down and unplug the power cord from the computer. Remove the battery, then push and hold the power button and sing happy birthday to it. Or wait 15 seconds. Then plug the power cord back and try turning the system on. After it boots up, providing this fixes the problem, you may then replace the battery.

Hope this helps!

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I'd like to help you, but it is very difficult to diagnose based on your description. We will need to gather more info as we try a few things.
1. Why are you reinstalling? 2. How old is the system? 3. Try the following & let me know the result: turn system back on. When the normal LED indicators are on, press & hold down the power button for 4+ seconds until everything goes off. 4. If step 3 worked, then turn power on & hit bios setup key (f2?). 5. See if HDD is detected.

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thats a lil odd seems as if the motherboard is trying to determine what speed of ram you have but after about five mins or more if it doesnt do anything try reseating the ram cards if after five mins again try using just one ram card in one slot if it turns on fully turn it off and move the same working ram card to the next slot if any slot fails then that ram slot is dead if you have more then one ram card test it using the same method if the ram card does not work then that ram card is bad

Cannot shut down


I want you to try this first reset the CMOS bat , put a new Hard disk install EXP .

good luck

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