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Barry Cohen Posted on Sep 18, 2006

Humidifier stopeed working

I have been running the unit in my basement constantly since buying it about 3 months ago. It is set up to drain into my sump pump. A few days ago I noticed that it wasnt running (the motor which constanly runs had stopped). The LED readout, which usually gives me the humidity reading reads "Lo." The manual makes no mention of this. Does this indicate some type of problem? I have tried unplugging it and letting it rest, turning it off and on, changing the desired humidity setting, switching it to 2 and 4 hour cycle, but it does not want to go on. I need to have a working unit due to a moisture issue in my basement and don't know whether to purchase a new one. Please help me figure this out. Thanks for your time.

  • greggms Jul 02, 2008

    LD65EL Stoped working, tryed all the things in the book nothing worked. It had a Hi reading on the panel. When I plug it in hear a beep but panel does not light up. It just stoped working, I have tried pluging it in different outlets but no go. Only had the thing for 4 days, HELP


2 Answers



These units have a 1 year warranty and 5 years on the sealed system. Why are you trying to fix it yourself? Take it to your nearest AC repair center and they can get it fixed for you free of charge. LO indicates that the unit thinks the humidity level is already low and therefore does not need to run. Probably a bad humidity sensor.


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  • Posted on Jun 29, 2008
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Joined: Jun 29, 2008

You have a bad fan motor. Put your hand against the grill to see if there any air movement. You need to buy a new fan motor assembly, it is attached by two long
bolts, easy to swap, except the wiring may not be easy. May have to cut the 3 wires and resolder. Get to the motor by removing the back panel and then the fan. Removing the fan may not be easy, they put some gunk on the spidle thread.

The cheapest price I have seen for the motor is $27-$28, shipping about $8 and tax
about $1.5.

  • Anonymous Jul 03, 2008

    Well, folk, the problem may be more complicated than I thought. I got the new fan motor, hooked it up but the problem is still there. It appears that when the unit is

    switched on initially, the heat-exchanger starts getting cooler but after a short time

    the temperature starts rising instead. Since the humidity sensor is mounted on the grill humidity quickly falls around the sensor as the temperature rises and the unit turns off.

    So, unfortunely in my case after replacing the fan motor I have not solved my problem.



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Frigidaire dehumidifier has an error code of EC and does not take in any water. The temp in the basement is a constant 68 degrees.

First, I'm not a Frigidaire tech.
* Check your warranty. Call for service.
* Contact (note Live Chat link);
*** following is for information only ***
* Checking basic problems;
* The humidifier will only run if the "Humidity" (water or moisture in the air) is higher than the current setting on the humidifier. If it's set to maximum dry setting then expect it to run almost 100% of the time. If it is set to a "wet" setting then expect it run only for short periods.
* Colder room temperatures will reduce the frequency of cycles as cold air will hold less moisture than warm air.
* You may note that running a AC unit in the same room as the dehumidifier will give you mixed results as both units will "fight" or work against each other. Humidifier will heat the air as it exits while the AC will cool the air. Best to not run the AC while the dehumidifier is in operation.
* Note that AC do "dehumidify" the air as it passes through. But not as effective as a dedicated dehumidifier.
* Be sure to check the tub and filter (make sure they are seated properly.)
* Contact Frigidaire or your local Appliance store for service.
Aloha, ukeboy57

I purchased this dehumidifier three years ago. It has been working fine up until about two weeks ago. I have the humidity setting at 40%. It is located in my basement which is not very damp. It now runs...

Jeanne, unless your unit is what's called a "Low Temperature" unit (these are designed for basement application) , that may be the problem. In addition, the air intake filter may need to be removed & cleaned.

If yours is not a Low Temp model, raising it up of the floor onto a sturdy table or counter top that can handle the weight of the unit and a full bucket of water, may solve the problem. The reason for this is in a basement, the air temp at floor level is colder than at shoulder level. Non Low temp units struggle to operate at temperatures below 65 degrees. Raising the unit up off the floor onto a sturdy table or counter top, that is strong enough to handle the weight of the unit, plus a full bucket of water, will usually resolve the problem.

I hope this information helped you and thanks for choosing FixYa.

Water is leaking from the bottom of my maytag dehumidifier. Noticed the problem over the past 2-3 weeks. I have a carpeted basement and the carpet under and around the unit is soaked. water is...

Robert, The water tubing that runs form the interior of the unit to the water bucket is clogged to solve this problem, turn the unit OFF & unplug it. Then do the following.

Remove the water collection bucket and look up inside the bucket holder cavity. You will see either a drain hole or small tubing that drains the water into the bucket. Using an appropriately sized, 18" long, plastic Zip Tie, carefully insert the tip of Zip Tie into the hole or tubing. Continue to push it in until you reach a bend in the tubing. You will need to gingerly work the Zip Tie past this bend, until it either bottoms out or you run out of usable Zip Tie. Then slowly pull the Zip Tie back out while rotating (twisting) it. This will breakup any clogs. As you reach the inserted end of the Zip Tie, be prepared, as some water may follow. Reinstall the bucket, plug the unit in and turn the Master ON/OFF Switch to ON. Set the humidity extraction level to 35% or Maximum if you have a manually controlled unit. Allow the unit to run, while you monitor it for any leakage.

NOTE: Is you don't have access to a Zip Tie, you can use something similar that flexible, like a long pipe cleaner. But, NO wire coat hangers.

I hope this helps you and thanks for choosing FixYa.

Basement smells musty, fan won't stay on continuous

Barbara, are you running the unit in a continuous mode (i.e Using a hose to drain the unit)? Or is the water draining into the water collection bucket?

If you are not using a hose for continual drainage, the fan will not run constantly. It requires that, for continual operation.

Also, you may have the humidity extraction level set to high. Lower it to 35%. Also, remove and check the air intake filter, as it may need cleaning.

Dehumidifiers that are not Low Temp models have a difficult time operating in basement applications. Because the air temp at floor level is colder than at shoulder level. At temperatures between 40 & 60 degree F, regular dehumidifiers struggle to keep up. Raising it up off the flow on to a sturdy table, counter top, etc that can handle the weight of the unit, plus a full bucket of water can really help.

I hope this was of assistance and thanks for choosing FixYa.

Just purchased this product and we are having difficulty figuring out the best setting so that the unit will shut off and on. It seems to only run continious. The model no. is VK0025000CURNPF735A0794 ...

When a humidifier is first placed into service depending on the environment you placed it in, it can take up to a week to actually shut off.
Think about this...
Q? Why did you buy the unit in the first place?
Ans. Area you want to use it in is damp.

So the NEW humidifier has to really work hard to remove moisture from everything in the space.
Furiniture, structure to include cement floors and walls. This can take a very very long time initially. If there is a sump pump in the basement the humidifier needs to be placed quite a distance from the sump area. If the structure foundation and walls are allowing water seepage into the basement it may NEVER shut off.

If it does not shut off after several days. Move the unit to a small room upstairs that you can place it in and close the door just to test to see if the unit will cycle on and off. If it cycles on and off in a small room you may want to inspect your basement foundation and check for plumbing problems.

Thanks for choosing FixYa,

I just bought this and it keeps leaking, why?

If the room tempature is close to 60, the coils may be frozen (completely encased in ice). If this is the case, move it where the water can drain off - about 1 gallon which may NOT run into the drain bucket.
I out mine over the floor drain.
Turn off and it will defost over night.
Only specially made dehumidifers work below a room temo of 60 degrees (the temp of a basement in winter).
Does it need to be running? A digital humidity sensot from Radio Shack is cheap and may tell you the humidity is OK - only 50% or less.

Dehumidifier running but not producing water

Sounds like your relay switch isn't connecting....

Question on temperature range

Most dehumidifiers run between 42 degrees and up. If you need one for lower temperatures you can buy special ones. If you have cold temperatures in your location the air is usually dryer in the winter so the dehumidifier is not really neaded during that season. The average humidity setting you would want to run it at is 60 Percent. It will keep your basement from becomming damp and also keep it from running nonstop. Good luck and if you found this solution helpful please rate it when you get a chance. Thanks - Tech101

User Manual has no guidelines.

When you first turn on the unit it is set to 40% humidity which is the lowest the unit will accept. You can only move the up arrow from that point. The 63 you are seeing is the actual humidity. If you want 50% youo need to press up arrow till 50 is displayed. The manual for this unit is terrible. Just leave it as it is and it will attempt to bring it down to 40%. 30 to 50 is the recommended humidity range.
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