The pilot will light, but goes out after releasing the control knob. Detached lead to the pilot electrode, resistance characteristics similar to known good electrode.
My pilot is lighting but my deep fryer wont light
Hi, I believe the thermocouple needs replaced. Sounds like it is a millivolt thermocouple and produces voltage to open the gas valve. Good luck. kstfas
I think you can download the manual on this fryer from here. Im not sure which one you are working on.
Let me know.
Did you get your fryer working? What was the problem? Let me know.
Try clicking thr reset botton. and if youve changed the thermol copple and it didnt work.then its your gas valve it is either stuck.or needs replacing. hope this helps
I just fixed the same problem by replacing the thermo-coupler. 6 bucks at the H depot, shhhwinggg, hot water again.
SOURCE: the pilot light goes out
Hi there.
Check the thermopile, it must be clean and free of soot or any form of dirt. The gas pressure must be sufficient and all wiring should be tightly connected. Check also the hi limit, it should have continuity across its terminals when tested with an ohm meter.
SOURCE: Pilot light won't stay lit
Wrong voltage thermocouple? must have 400mv, residential uses 25-40mv.
SOURCE: No Pilot Light
This device actually uses a thermopile it is part number P5047541. There are two things to check here ensure that you have had the right part installed be verifying the part number and also check that the sensing end of the thermopile is directly in the path of the flame.
Usually answered in minutes!
My pilot light is on but the deep fryer won't turn on...what do I do?
The cord simiply falls out of the outlet on the back of the fryer
Pilot light does n't stay on, thermopile reading at open circuit is 800 milivolts. Is the
pilot light will not ignite
Have a concord ideal sprint boiler. The pilot light is not staying on. Have changed the thermo couple...but still not coming on. Do i need a new boiler?
I have JCP FRIALATOR DEEP FRYER we emptied the tank during this time pilot went off and now we are trying to turn the pilot on but when we release the knob pilot also goes off even after holding for long time
dean deep fry pilot light willnot lit
Pilot goes on ok and will stay on until I turn it up to a temperature and then all of a sudden it is out.
When I release my control knob my pilot goes out.It wont stay lit.
i have the same problem i need it fixed by jan22
pilot will not stay lit
pilot light will not stay lit