Have a prob with my camera,went to use it and seemed to have no power,i thought the battery maybe flat so i charged the battery then put it in and still no power.I put battery back onto charger to see if the abttery had charged and the battery had gone completely flat again within a couple of secs...i thought it must be the battery,i bought a new battery ,put it in and i still have no power to the camera. When you slide the lens piece across to turn it on the lens it does not protrude,just nothing! i don't recall camera being misused or being wet. Is there a way of eliminating what`the problem could be? any ideas will be appreciated....thanks
As indicated in solution #2 dirt deposits in the channel that prevents the cover from moving the switch to turn on the camera. To get at the channel to clean out the **** remove the 6 small screws (two on each side and two shorter screws on the bottom of the outside of the camera). Remove only the six screws that are holding the front of the camera body on. The silver band seperates the front of the body from the rear. Wiggle off the front of the camera body. With the lense cover closed you can wiggle off the plastic inside of the front cover from the exterior of the body. By doing this you'll expose the track that the lense cover rides in. Notice that the top track moves back to contact a black plastic switch. **** will typically be in the channel preventing the lid from contacting the black switch. Clean it all out and reassemble. Camera should work fine.
Thanks a lot. I did it with my old Dimage G600 and it works. However, keep in mind to open the battery lid first before removing the front cover, cos else two small hooks will brake off that help closing the battery lid. Unfortunately, this happened to me when wiggling off the front cover. now, I removed the small spring that pushes out the battery and I seal the battery lid with some strong tape. It works. I love this camera.
Yes the usual cause of this problem is that dust/dir deposits in the channel that slide the cover and it is blocking from closing the switch....... the solution is simple....... remove the fromt cover turn it upside down so that your are looking at the cover from the back...... take a ver fine jewellers sflatheas screwdriver and gently prise out the inner front....for the front face plate... it will pop out...... look very closely at the channel the mecananism slides along,,, your will finf that dust/ dirt is prevening the it from opening fully........ clean out the dust.. that will cure the problem.. hope this helps
My wifes had the same problem, and just tonight I took it apart. I found that the shutter cover, was not making contact with the on switch. when I put it back together, I made sure the top right hand corner of the face, was pressed tight to the camera body. problem solved. Hope this helps and isn't to late in reaching you. Rob 5-18-2007
Usually answered in minutes!
i have the same problem
I have the identical problem with my dimage G600. Any ideas on how to effect a fix to this problem....... The camera powers up while attached to the PC USB Port , Any ideas on a fix for this?
Thanks for your help