Toshiba 55H70 55" Rear Projection Television Logo

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Don Stafford Posted on Sep 06, 2006
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Toshiba 55H70 Green CRT

Hi, My green CRT went out. Local Toshiba authorized repair place said I should replace it. I did. No the color balance and brightness is way off. They've been out adjust it, but said they need to come back with the service manual and some test equip. Meanwhile I start doing some research and find that most everyone suggests not to replace one of the CRTs because it will never balance right. One person said there is separate driver electronics for each tube, and a good tech should be able to adjust down the new green or adjust up the red and blue tubes. Any thoughts on this, while I wait for the tech to get a service manual mailed to his shop and come back out? Thanks, Don

  • Don Stafford Sep 06, 2006

    Thanks for the response. The green tube itself was arcing, I saw that myself while the green color was flashing on and off. Also, the tech did unplug a PCB from another tube and try it on the green tube, and it didn't light up. He told me the green tube shorted itself out, I believed him. The TV is 5 years old. I'm hoping he can adjust it, but I'm doubtful. I don't know what my next step will be if it's not adjustable enough to make a good picture. I guess I could ask them to take out the new green tube and replace it with a used tube, or I could have them replace the other two tubes. I asked him to bring a color bar generator because it's hard to tell just by a broadcasted picture if the color is right. If anyone has any ideals, I'd love to hear it. Thanks, Don


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  • Posted on Sep 06, 2006
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Whgat you should have done was to take off the red tube socket and put that socket on the rear of the red tube onto the green tube. If the green worked then you know the green tube was good and the driver was bad. If a set is over 6 to 10 years old, and if you replace one tube, It will never get a good grey scale(B&W). I hope you didnt replace the tube when a driver was bad!

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