Freezer side operates properly: holds temperature, etc. Refrigerator side won't go below 50 degrees F, even when set to coldest setting. Meat storage drawer shows aboout 50. We've emptied refrigerator side, and don't see any blockage. Don't both freezer and refrigerator opeerate on same refrigeration compressor and coolant? Thannks for your help
Pierce, there was a service bullitin put out on this model. TDR-0010A-B. Had to do with normal freezer, warm fresh food compartment. Maytag issued a kit that included a new thermostat and damper assy. to solve this problem. Bullitin came out in 2002. If you are not having a defrost issue and all fans are running normal, I would call Maytag and inquire about the above posted bullitin, It may be covered. back.
Sometimes there is a lever on the bottom left hand side of the refridgerator side that lets cool air form the freezer in --it may have gotten closed. Check to make sure it is open. Also this happened to us--we emptied fridge-turned it off for 2 days and then it was fine.
Usually answered in minutes!
The fridge side is not cooling below 60 degrees. The freezer seems to working except it drains onto the floor occasionally. The fridge will cool down to about 34 degrees every couple of weeks en will steadily climb back to 60ish over a week or so. Do I have a low coolant charge?
model 64252402
whirlpool refrigerator will not cool below 52 degrees