Maybe your just using the red (positive) whenyou should be using both red and yellow worked for me
My friend had the same problem his acc wire (red) shorted out and burnt some where in his car. So we just ran another wire to the radio and spliced it in with the acc wire. it still works so we don't Know how it shorted out
Get yourself a test light. they ar eonly a few bucks. check power on the yelow wire of your deck and the red wire of your deck. both shoudl have power with the key on... if you hav epower to both of those and the deck still doesent work then its dead. I buy dead clarions for parts to if you give up let me know. mike [email protected]
If this unit uses a switched power wire and a memory back up. usually onewire is red and the other wire is yellow. off of the head unit. but the car wiring uses two fuses for these wires. A lot of times thet will be mixed in with dash light dome light, or something like that. But there will also be a Radio fuse. But if one wire is not getting power it can case the unit to malfuction. I do not know what kind of car you drive. But different cars put fuses all over the place from under the dash to under the hood. Also be sure to check fuses on the unit itself.
Usually answered in minutes!
How do I check the fuses in the unit? My unit stays on for a few seconds with the lights, then clicks off also...
the disk ejects but that is all it does. is it my fuse if so where do I find it dodge durango 2005
I have sound but my screen stays black. Is there a fuse?
i get sound but the screen stays black. Is there a fuse for the screen?
I have the same problem, have tried everything and it doesn't work. I knwo there's power going to the unit, because it will eject CD's nothing else though.