SanDisk Sansa m200 (2 GB) MP3 Player Logo
Eric Wuchte Posted on Aug 28, 2006

No response, no turn-on, dead player! help!

I was loading files, when the transfer locked up, and the computer threw an error. i couldn't do anything but unplug the player! After I did this, i tried plugging it back in, and half of the world "initializing" popped up on the screen, the first half was missing! it did not do anything more. so i unplugged it again. Now when I plug it in, nothing happens. The computer recognizes that new hardware is plugged in, but cannot recognize what it is. Nothing comes on the mp3 player's screen. It will not power up when i hit the power button. It has no response, it acts like there is no battery in it. I have taken the battery out, and put it back in. Nothing happens when any of the buttons are pressed, or when it is plugged into the computer. Is there anything I can do to get this thing working again! It is the M260 if that matters.

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  • Posted on Jun 07, 2007
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Same thing just happened to my M260, did you ever get an answer? Thanks, Jeff. Problem: No response, no turn-on, dead player! help!by mtx410 on Aug 28, 2006 I was loading files, when the transfer locked up, and the computer threw an error. i couldn't do anything but unplug the player! After I did this, i tried plugging it back in, and half of the world "initializing" popped up on the screen, the first half was missing! it did not do anything more. so i unplugged it again. Now when I plug it in, nothing happens. The computer recognizes that new hardware is plugged in, but cannot recognize what it is. Nothing comes on the mp3 player's screen. It will not power up when i hit the power button. It has no response, it acts like there is no battery in it. I have taken the battery out, and put it back in. Nothing happens when any of the buttons are pressed, or when it is plugged into the computer. Is there anything I can do to get this thing working again! It is the M260 if that matters.


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  • Contributor 5 Answers
  • Posted on Sep 25, 2007
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Hi guys! I've got a brand-new solution to this dead-end problem. BUT, the downside is that you'll need another similar player. Here's what I've done to unfreeze my Sansa m230. 1. I've opened the cases of both our Sansa m230s. 2. Connected the healthy one to the computer via USB. 3. After it was connected I've hot-swapped the "Samsung k9k4g08u0m-pcb0" memory chip with the one which was causing the problem. 4. Finally, I've formatted it through WMP10. Only synchronizing in MTP mode using WMP11 since. Hope that helps. Amakorkos


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My player got problem

Connect your computer to the sansa, then search for the files using the search key from the start key, search for all files with an * for detecting all the files. Select all and transfer all files to a folder. then delete off all the files and format if the sansa gets detected. if so your memory is back to normal. transfer all your files again back but make sure that the next time you load only the good ones. Hope this helps you off.Good day

My player starts to load, but then doesn't completely turn on or

Try this 1.Push the hold switch towards the headphone jack so you see orange
2.Press and hold record on the left of the player
3.With record still being held down, plug into the computer
4.Once you see welcome to recovery mode on the screen of the player, let go of record
At this point you can reload the manual firmware by copying the firmware files to the detected removable disk.
Firmwares- Version 1 Version 2
Download the correct version or else it will render your device useless.Version can be found on the back plate at botton right.. Extract the downloaded file and transfer the contents to removable disk detected.After transferring,disconnect the player and let it upgrade the firmware

Sansa e200 load main image failed

If this happened after updating your firmware, the Sansa FAQ from here says try this -

03. "Load image failed" appears after updating e200 firmware Applies to the following Operating Systems:
  1. Windows XP, Vista
This error may be caused by the firmware failing to load or the file system is corrupted.
STEP 1 – Reset the player
  1. Press and hold the Power button for approximately 30 seconds.
  2. Turn the player back on.
If the error persists, proceed to steps 2 and 3.
STEP 2 – Connect the player in Recovery Mode
  1. Turn off the player.
  2. Slide the Hold/Lock switch on top of the player so an orange color is showing.
  3. Press and hold the REC button and connect the device to the computer.
  4. A message will appear on the device display screen confirming the connection and a 16MB partition will be viewable in My Computer.
  5. Release the REC button.
STEP 3 – Download and update the firmware
  1. Download the firmware from the Sansa Forum.
  2. Open the zip file
  3. Extract all the firmware files to the 16MB-FORMAT drive.
  4. Disconnect the player.
  5. Slide the Hold switch to the unlock position.
  6. Turn on the player


Syncing with Windows Media Player

Place the music files that you want to transfer into the My Music folder of your computer - Windows will re-read them, and then you can synchronize to your device. Also, make sure the hold/lock switch is not engaged on the mp3 player - it probably isn't, but just check.

-Tha Mp3 Doctor

Transferring files back to my PC from my Sony NW-HD5

first off when you transfered them using the sonicstage software it put what are called digital media rights that locked that file to the pc that loaded it, dont worrie there is a way... open up the mp3 player in one window and find the music you want drag it over to your desktop, then get a program called tunebite and that should help

Yepo digital audio player

hi i can not transfer files to my yepo mp3 it says my comp dosnt support it i have windows vista loaded the manual says i must convert ACT to WAV format could you please tell me how to


Transferring music to new pc

You must use the music transfer software that came with the CD (also avail on Rio website) - which will not load on newer, Vista running computers.

Help i have a Samsung YP-T9 and it froze

I had a problem with the Mp3, He was hangup while charging the battery from the USB, I disconnected the USB but It still continuated with the screen charging even if this was disconnected, and I couldn`t hear nothing, so I decided to look in the faq of Samsung, It is Ussless like most of the official pages, how to plug, how to listem the music, but nothing nothing information about how to manage my problem,. So I decided to look in google, and the solutioin was here, press the rec button and the menu button at same time, and magicaly the device was unbloqued. Thanks a lot swamped69 for the solution

Error message while downloading from the mp3 player

First thing i would do is load the latest firmware and upgrade the dmm manager.
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