Pioneer SD-P50A5-K 50" Rear Projection Television Logo
Mike Clark Posted on Aug 14, 2006
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TV pops and shuts down

TV will work ok for days and then while I'm watching it will make a "pop" noise and shut down. In the past it would blow fuse 106 (4amp) and would not power back up until I replaced it. I upped the fuse to 6amp and I no longer blow the fuse (not the smartest I know). If I power the set off for a while it will normally start back up. There is a red flashing led on the board near fuse 106 when the set has powered itself off. There was an arc from the red wire at the base of the flyback transformer, I taped the wire and the arc stopped. I was given the set and I am wondering if anyone may know what the problem might be and what it would cost to fix?

  • ANIMAL51 Mar 13, 2008

    Tv is about 7 yrs. old and no trouble at all. I was watching the news the other night, there was a pop, and the tv went off. I tried to hit the power button, the green light came on for 1 sec., a little pop, and off again. I tried unplugging and waiting, but no good. What do you think?


  • Anonymous Apr 23, 2008

    I have the same or similar issue. It does not come on at all, just tries, pops, then shuts off usually within 1-2 seconds. The flyback transformer is available on Pioneer's parts website for 57.15 retail. I think I will give it a shot. The TV was recently given to me and has not worked since long before I got it. $60 + shipping is very little to spend if it works.


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  • Posted on Aug 14, 2006
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Get a good fire insurance policy!! The problem you have is the flyback transformer but its going to be hard to get just that so order the sweep board that the transformer sits on. Also your making a very dangerous situation for you or your family. Im praying something doesnt go bad in the middle of the night and start the set on fire. As theres always power to that set. Good luck and dont risk your life or anyone elses to save a few bucks. Get a trained tech to service this set, as a TV set is no place for an experimenter to be. Good Luck

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