KitchenAid Artisan Series Tilt-Head Stand Mixer Logo
Posted on Oct 24, 2008

Kitchenaid Mixer head wobbles bad

I am getting a kitchenaid from someone and they said they bought a new one cause the mixer head wobbles. They said kitchenaid said it was an adjustment problem. I know there is a screw underneath that holds the hinge pin and it should try to be tightened first. She said she tried some things but...............................................
She said it wobbles so much it took off some of the plastic coating of the paddle attachement because it got rubbed off from scraping the side of the bowl.

Is there another thing that can be checked myself to try to adjust this so it won't wobble?

  • bsiebert1 Dec 06, 2008

    Same problem ... bugs my wife more then me. 2 pounds of butter rotating seems like it would cause some balance issues.

    But an answer would be helpful.

  • avariale Dec 19, 2008

    kitchaid mixer head wobbles. tied to adjust the screw under on the hinge, but it still wobbles.


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  • Posted on May 24, 2009
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The solution provided by luannej is useful only if your mixing attachment is striking the surface of the bowl. By adjusting the screw located at the junction of the head and base, you are actually controlling how far the head is allowed to tilt forward and, thus, the height of the attachment above the bottom of the bowl. Although the attachment striking the bottom of the bowl will lead to wobble (and noise!), it isn't usually the root cause of the wobble. In fact, the wobble may be causing the bowl strikes and adjusting the head height only hides the problem.

The head of the mixer is secured to the base by a large steel pin. Any play between the head and base comes from this hinge and its resulting tolerances. To "tighten" the sloppy tolerances causing your wobble, follow these steps: 1) Lock the mixer's head down and turn the entire mixer upside down. 2) Looking deep into the hollow base, find the small slotted set screw. This screw actually presses against the pin and takes up the slop between the head and pin. Note that this screw is not the large slotted screw I mentioned earlier visible when you tilt the head back. 3)Tighten the small set screw as much as you can. Your wobble should be greatly reduced or eliminated now. 4) Lastly, you may want to readjust the large screw controlling the head's tilt to optimize the distance between attachment and bowl. Hope this helps.


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  • Posted on Jan 30, 2009
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I have had the same issue in the past and had to buy a new paddle because the coating had worn off in one spot. The Customer Service representative told me how to adjust the paddle at that time, but I had forgotten.

It is now starting to do the same thing, so I call Kitchenaid again, and they gave me the fix once again. This time I'm keeping it in my files. I suggest you do the same. Here it is:

To balance paddle, put a dime inside the bowl with the paddle on stir speed. If well balanced the paddle should nudge the dime as it turns. If it drags the dime, tilt the head back adjust the screw inside the head of the mixer one-quarter turn to the left.

  • Anonymous Nov 22, 2011

    I had the same problem as Ihairdo above - a wobble in the head of the mixer and subsequent rubbing of the paddle on the side of the bowl. The directions for adustment from both tulanebme and luannej worked perfectly. Thank you. I also added some thread locker to the threads of both screws (a small tube can be had at any hardware store for about $5 - Loctite is one brand) to prevent the screws from moving in the future. It has been about 6 months - so far so good. Thanks again!



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