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Allan Katz Posted on Aug 10, 2006
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Similar HK 395 Balance Problem

Marv, I have a similar problem to Thierry's. If the software balance fixes do not resolve the problem, is it worth swapping the plugs (the light tan ones...are they DIN?). If this makes sense, what is the best way to go about doing it, as my guess the female end of the cord is embedded in some form or circuitry card? Al

  • Allan Katz Aug 11, 2006

    Not specifically, if anyone else can help me out I would be glad to take advice from them too.



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  • Posted on Aug 11, 2006
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Is this letter to Marv?

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LG Washing Machine UE error but not out of balance fix.

I had a LG front load washing Machine developed a UE Fault. Shocks Pump and drainage good and bearings good. Machine not out of balance.

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on Jan 31, 2018 • Washing Machines

The drain, spin function spins for 30 seconds and then stops to re balance. What's wrong?

AHAaaa... I had a similar problem and discovered that my SPRINGS lost "tension" or strength! EVERYTHING looked fine and 'in place' but that balance function HAUNTED me too.

3 NEW springs fixed the problem and I hope this helps you!


+gmc safari van 2003 I have a rumble in the back

It sounds like a wheel balance problem. Normally wheel balance produces speed specific vibration in the front wheels and steering. To me this sounds similar, caused by one or both rear wheels being seriously out of balance. Get them balanced and ensure that they are both at the SAME pressure.

Lubricant needed for new balance 1500 treadmill

1) the deck belt can be use 100% silicones or wax if your model use wax.

2) rollers bearing use WD-40 or similar for lube bearing.

God bless you

Battery spring broke on wii fit balance board

I had a similar issue when my kids mixed rechargeable and regular batteries in the Wii balance board. The acid leaked and the springs corroded. But I figured out a quick fix - see photos. The springs look just like the spring-end of a safety pin, so I just snipped the ends of two safety pins and fixed them in with needle-nose pliers. Safety pins conduct electricity and the fix works fine. Cheers.11_25_2012_7_33_33_pm.jpg11_25_2012_7_33_48_pm.jpg11_25_2012_7_34_04_pm.jpg11_25_2012_7_34_17_pm.jpg

Wii Balance Board Lights won't stay on

Well - had the same problem, even got a walkthru from Nintendo Support. I was ready to pack it to ship off when, demonstrating everything I had done to a friend -- the darn thing started working again! I think what was going on was the sync was "poor" with the console -- it could sort of see the balance board but not enough to actually work. I did the red-button-on-the-board/ red-button-on-the-Wii thing (press board button then quickly press the console button) several times until it "took" solidly. Don't give up -- keep trying. Yeah their hardware/software has a bug......

UE what does that mean?

Your load is too small or out of balance. Rearrage your load if out of balance or add 1 or 2 similar items to balance the load.
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